Here is Samson the day I got him. Samson was a gift from my Aunt Jan on my 20th birthday. She got him for free from a friend at work. He is a full blood golden retriever, but he looked like a little polar bear when he was little because he was so white and furry.

That is Samson now!! He's such a sweet dog and loves to have all the attention on him. I love him so much!

Here is baby Harris (Trevor's dog). My mom's friend from work gave Harris to Trevor for free as well. He is also a full blood black lab (obviously). Harris is such a well behaved dog and he LOVES to play fetch.

Here is Harris now! Trevor and I will both have to get a new dog when we no longer live in the same house because they are both so used to having eachother and they are such great companions....they do everything together and they love to wrestle and play non stop!

Here is Harris now! Trevor and I will both have to get a new dog when we no longer live in the same house because they are both so used to having eachother and they are such great companions....they do everything together and they love to wrestle and play non stop!