I'm linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday's.
1. I'm loving that I can now saw I'm 24 years old. Nothing too exciting about 24, but I'm thankful for another year. I had a wonderful birthday. I got to have dinner with my family the day before my birthday, and dinner and a movie with Aaron on my actual birthday. A big thanks to everyone who made my birthday special with texts, calls, and facebook messages. They made my day.

I had to work on my birthday, but my sweet co-worker had a gift waiting for me on my station and my best friend, Alli had a cookie cake delivered to me! Thanks guys, that was really sweet.

2. I love "favorite things" parties. I wanted to do something different for my birthday party this year, something I've never done before. I came upon a "favorite things" party pin on Pinterest and decided that would be a fun idea. Here's how it works: each person brings 5 of their favorite item (all the same item). Then, everyone puts their name in a bowl five times. Each person draws five different names out of the bowl (make sure they don't draw their name or the same person twice). Next, you give each person that drew your name your favorite thing. In the end, every girl goes home with five new things. It was a lot of fun and we got some pretty fun things. Apparently, nail polish is a favorite with my friends. We had a small turnout due to nasty weather in the state, but it was a great group of girls and I'm so glad they all made it despite the bad weather. My best friend from college even drove 2 1/2 hours through bad weather to come....thanks Allie!

Very special friends....and my mom and aunt. Love you all!
I thought I'd include pictures of the "favorite things"

-Merlot wine and a cork screw

-socks and nail polish

-wristlet wallet

-nail file and nail polish

-panties and bracelets

-nail polish, favorite candy bar, and a cute box

-wine glass

-bath salts and a bracelet

-nail polish and Baby Lips tinted lip balm- this is what I brought
Here are a few pics of the storm/tornado that passed through my hometown on Friday the 13th. Thankfully, no one was killed or seriously injured. There was quite a mess from power lines and trees that fell. It was pretty scary, but our house survived without damage and we're all okay. Thank you, Jesus! Praying for those families affected by the tornado in Woodward, OK the following night. Bad weather, please stay away for good. I'm a wee bit scared for storm season this spring/summer.

Source: Twitter- Anita @redrivergrl
Isn't that an amazing picture? WOW!

source: kpho.com
Scary stuff
3. I'm LOVING the new book I got for my birthday. I'm sure some of you have heard about "Bloom", but if you haven't, please check it out. It is so so so so so good. I have yet to pick it up and read it without crying. It's a book written by a blogger named Kelle Hampton. It's about her life as a mother to a little girl with Down Syndrome. You can check out her blog here:
http://www.kellehampton.com/Here's a trailer for her book..watch it because I promise it won't disappoint.
Hope you all are having a wonderful week. Happy Wednesday!!