I thought I'd catch my blog up on the last few months of our life.
In March, I spent the weekend with my childhood friend, Megan and her family. Her oldest daughter was turning six so I went to celebrate at her birthday party. We had the best weekend, lots of fun and laughter and they let me crash at their house and join in on all their family gatherings. Thanks for having me, we need to do it again soon!

The birthday girl!

I worked on a little project one afternoon. My mom's best friend graciously gave me this bench and a really nice china hutch. I painted the bench a pale blue and bought the two pillows below. I still have to do another coat on it and do some distressing, but I'm excited to get it in our new place.

I found the floral pillows at Ross.

The day before Easter my brother and his wife came to stay with us. The boys spent the day kayak fishing while we shopped and relaxed. I failed at taking any Easter pictures. My mom was sick with food poisoning so we went to church without her and then had lunch and played games at my Cousin Steph's house.

The day after Easter I got to have lunch with my best friend and play with her precious little guy. He is at that fun stage where all he does is smile and giggle at you and it's so precious. She even had him in one of the onesies I made him which made my day! He is the perfect little onesie model.

That evening I met up with my family to attend my grandpa's Lion's Club dinner. They were recognizing him with a Quilt of Valor for his service in the military.

Grandpa's fan club

Just in case you were wondering, this is my new favorite spring/summer nail polish color! I don't even know what it's called because I already packed it in a box for our move, but I LOVE it!

I helped host a baby shower for my sister-in-law. These are a few of the details. 4 more weeks until we get to meet Baby Corn, I'm so excited I can't stand it!

At the end of March we learned that Aaron got the job he applied for with his current company. He left the next day to move and start the job and I stayed behind and tied up all the loose ends. This was the first weekend I got to see Aaron after he moved. We got a glimpse of what it will be like living next to all our friends! We joined them for a nice Sunday evening cookout, complete with shooting beaver dens, riding 4-wheelers, kayaking on the pond, etc. The next day my friend, Paige and I went house hunting.

Can't wait to live so close to all these girls!

The following weekend, we did more packing, but we also went house hunting and Samson got to play with his furry friend, Manny.

Since we were in Tulsa house hunting, we stopped in and had dinner with our special family friends. They just bought and re-did a house and it is GORGEOUS. We are so excited to be living so close to them! I see lots of fun gatherings in our future!

This past Sunday I turned 28 and celebrated with my family at Top Golf.

Thanks everyone for coming!!

After Top Golf, we drove back to Tulsa and I had a slumber party with my best friend and her baby. They were in town for a soccer tournament so I stayed the night with them in their hotel and we went shopping the next day. It's already paying off living in Tulsa :)
We are currently staying with my in-laws until we move into our new place on May 1st. We found a place to live and signed all the paperwork yesterday. Unfortunately, we are not buying a house yet. We are going to rent an apartment for the next year, until we find the perfect house in the perfect area. The last time we both lived in an apartment was in college so it may be quite a challenge with a big dog, but we have a dog park, swimming pool, detached garage with a storage room so I think it will work just fine for the time being. Now all I have to do is find a job! Can't wait to be done with this move and all settled in!