May was a crazy busy month in a really good way, but it flew by so fast! Here's a look at our life in pictures.
We were able to finish unpacking and everything is all situated. Here is the guest bedroom. Visitors welcome!

And here is our bedroom.

We spent Mother's Day with Aaron's family. We celebrated with church and a yummy steak dinner. My mother-in-law and her boys!

We ran the Rustic Cuff 5k and then stuffed our face with fat food :)

My best friend and her little boy came and spent the weekend with us. It was so much fun. She had to coach a soccer game so I got to watch her little boy during the game. Isn't he the cutest?

Saturday night I hosted a girl's night painting party. We had way too much fun, laughed until we almost peed our pants, and made some major mistakes on our football door hangers. Not going to mention any names, but someone misspelled "Boomer Sooner".

Busy painting.

The final result. It took us forever, but we had so much fun!

I got to play beauty shop with my best friend.

This cutie just played and looked really cute!

My friend Paige and I had a mid- week painting night. She came over and helped me get base coats painted for a craft fair that I'm doing in September. She was such a huge help!

I discovered this new cookie recipe and made them 3 too many times. They are so so good, you have to try them!

I got to hold my precious niece!! She is so sweet and I can't get enough of her. I hadn't seen her in almost a month and it was killing me!

We attended my childhood friend's gorgeous outdoor wedding.

My handsome wedding date!

Paige was the most beautiful bride! I was so in love with her dress.

Congrats Paige and Evan!

We spent a week night on the lake with Aaron's brother, fishing and boating.

I managed to get my car stuck in a ditch while doing my route for work. Talk about a major breakdown. I was in the middle of nowhere, but my client's husband saved the day and got me out without any problems. He was seriously a LIFE SAVER!

Only I would do this!

This weekend was my 10 year high school reunion. Talk about feeling old. It was so much fun and I loved getting to catch up with everyone.

Photobooth fun. Love these girls!

Graduates and their spouses.

Aaron is the best at photobooths. His faces always crack me up.

We ended the weekend on a high note with more Guinevere snuggles. I could just eat her up!
We headed back home Sunday, just in time for a cookout with our family friends. The food was delicious! Then, on Monday we had a yummy Memorial Day fish fry and Bachelorette watch party! May was such a fun month and I'm sad it's gone, but bring on June and Summer time!!