Reading: The Magnolia Story....I haven't read a book in a really long time, but this one I just can't put down. Chip and Joanna never cease to amaze me. This book is really inspiring and such a good story about their success and where they both came from. I have no idea how they have the time to do everything they do. Can't wait to visit Waco and Magnolia in February!

Wishing: I could snap my fingers and all my custom orders and editing would be complete. I've still got about 10 custom orders left to make from the fair I did in Sept (yeah, I know, I'm slacking) and soon I will have about 7 photography sessions to edit...AHH!! Where will I ever find the time?? I'm also wishing the trees would hurry up and turn the perfect bright fall colors for all these photo shoots.
My booth won best booth at the fair, but only because all my friends and family came out to support me and the voting table was right across from my booth. It felt like a big reunion seeing all my favorite people in one spot.These sweet friends drove 8 hours to surprise me at the fair. I was so shocked that my jaw hit the floor when I saw them. I promise that your custom orders will be on their way ASAP. You girls are my TOP priority!
Sweet baby Wynne and her momma came.
My wing-woman, life-saver of a friend who kept me sane through all the painting, crafting, setting up, and taking down.
My little booth. I had so much fun doing this fair.
The latest senior session I took. Have you ever seen such gorgeous blue eyes and I didn't edit them one bit!
Loving: That I got to spend the last two weekends back home with my family and precious little niece. She is getting so big and so fun. She let me hold her the entire church service without making a peep and she was passed out in my arms at the end of it. I was loving every minute of it!
We had a picnic last Sunday and she was passed out on the blanket. Love those little red eyebrows :)
Making S'Mores.
Aunt Jan and Baby G!
Love that big grin.
She gets her looks from her momma.
Love those baby blues!
Looking Forward to: Our family weekend getaway next weekend. We are renting a cabin and just spending the weekend hiking, eating, enjoying campfires, and hanging out. I can't wait, I'm in desperate need of a weekend like that!
Dreading: All the running I'm going to have to do between now and Nov 20th. The past two weeks I have had zero motivation to run. We did an 8 mile long run on Monday and it killed my bad knee and I haven't been able to get back in the groove since...YIKES!
Missing: All the wedding festivities that ensued over the last few months. I had so much fun celebrating my two friends, Emily & Stephanie with bachelorette parties, showers, and wedding day fun. Both weddings were so beautiful and I'm so happy they both turned out perfect!
Love these girls.
The first dance.
Such a fun group.
My handsome date.
Paige, you are beautiful!
I even got to do a little hair for the wedding. It's been a while since I've done any up-do's, but it was fun to help with hair.
Post rehearsal dinner dirt roading.
This girl is next on the wedding bandwagon! Can't wait to celebrate with her in Mexico in May...EEKKK!!
Celebrating Steph at her bachelorette party at the most relaxing, fun place.
We stayed in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and it was fantastic. This was our view.
We even made a donkey friend.
This cabin was so old, but had so much was awesome!
Bradley wasn't loving all the kisses.
Photo booth fun at Steph's reception.
Love you Niecee!
Steph and all her bridesmaids. How gorgeous does she look? Her flowers were amazing!
Steph's rehearsal dinner.
I hope you all have a fun, safe and happy Halloween!! We don't really have much planned for the weekend. Aaron is hunting all weekend (imagine that) and I'm getting caught up on all my to-do's since I'm finally home for a weekend. We're planning on taking Samson to a dog Halloween celebration at a park in town on Monday. He will be going as Simba!
He hated me for this.
My husband came out of the room the other night while I was working and I looked up to see this. Since he doesn't read my blog, I thought I'd blackmail him just a tad.