Monday, July 26, 2010

It's Been A While!

Sorry i've been MIA for a while, I'm sure not many people have missed my blog anyway, but oh well. I figured I'd give friends and family an update on what's been going on in my life the past few months.

#1: I GRADUATED COLLEGE!!!! I had a great graduation weekend, celebrating with my friends and family who were able to come. Here are a few pics from graduation.

#2: I MOVED BACK TO NORMAN AND I AM LIVING WITH TREVOR AND HIS FRIEND BEN IN TREVOR'S NEW HOUSE! In the last three weeks that I've been living in his house, I've painted the walls and woodwork in my bedroom, painted the walls in the hallway, living room, and kitchen. Next, we will paint all the woodwork in the whole house white. I absolutely love living where I do. I love that we have a garden..My mom planted the flowers, but I love watering them and enjoying them. My dog Samson lives with me now and it makes me so happy! He's so sweet and he follows me everywhere. Each of us have our own dog so we are very busy sweeping and vacuuming up all the hair. Once the woodwork is all finished, I will post before and after pictures of the house.

#3: I GOT A JOB AT THE JCPENNEY'S HAIR SALON! I decided after much thought that I wanted to do hair. I applied at a couple of salons in Norman and OKC, but I decided to accept the job at JCPenney's. There are a few reasons for this......A. They pay hourly plus commission on services and product sales. This is a huge plus for me because I don't have a big enough clientele for booth rent, plus I will be getting a paycheck whether or not I have clients in my chair. B. It's located in the Norman mall so there will hopefully be lots of traffic and walk-ins. C. They offer benefits like health and dental insurance, 401K plan, and paid vacations. D. Everyone I talked to there loved it and some of the ladies have been there for over 10 years. My first day of work will be on Aug. 2nd! If you need your hair done, PLEASE come see me, I would love it!

#4: I'M LEARNING HOW TO COOK! My good friend Stephanie attended culinary school for a while and she works as a chef at a catering company in Norman now. Once a week, a group of my friends get together and cook. Stephanie plans what we're going to make and she teaches us how. We've only done it once, but I learned so much and I can't wait for next week! I've always wanted to learn how to cook so I'm very excited about it. Hopefully I will have time to start blogging about what we cook and I'll post pictures of the food and the recipes :)

#5: MY MOM AND I ARE TRAINING FOR THE YMCA TRIATHLON IN SEPTEMBER. Two years ago Trevor and I did the triathlon at the YMCA and I loved it. This year my mom will be doing it with both Trevor and I. We've been training for about a month now. I try to run and swim about four times a week. The triathlon includes 500 meters swimming, 12 miles biking, and a 5k run. I thoroughly enjoying swimming....I think it is so relaxing and such a great full body workout.

Other than that, I'm just enjoying having the month of July off from work. It's really spoiled me, although I haven't had a lot of time to just sit and relax. However, I do get to sleep in everyday :) I can't wait to start doing hair in a salon again and I'm really excited about working hard to build my clientele. Hope you are all doing well, I'd love for you to e-mail me and let me know how your life's going.


  1. Wow looks like things are going great for you! I am so excited you got a job doing hair! :) I bet that'll be a great start for you!

  2. YEA!!!

    love ya!!!

    love the update!!!

    tell Trevor hello!!!

    a. hopey
