Monday, September 13, 2010

Loving Fall!

I am SOOOOOO excited for Fall I can hardly stand it! Here are a few of the MANY reasons why I love fall so much:
1. The beautiful trees turning colors. One thing I will miss most this fall about living in Arkansas is the beautiful scenery. There is nothing better than driving around in Arkansas when the leaves are's absolutely beautiful. Although Norman has pretty trees too, they don't compare to the rolling hills covered in trees there.

2. The fabulous scents of fall. I love burning candles and fall scents are probably my favorite. Right now i'm loving Bath and Body works candles in the flavors Leaves, Autumn, and Kitchen Cider. I also love Scentsy's fall melts called Honey Pear Cider, Autumn Sunset, and Go Go Goji.
Lastly, I love Tyler Candle Company's mixer melts in the flavor Pumpkin Spice. YUM!!

3. For some reason when it's fall I feel more inclined to bake. I'm going to try and bake as much as I can this fall. I've already made monkey bread for the first was absolutely amazing. My boyfriend and my brother loved it so I'm sure I will be making a lot more of it. It's also extremely easy to make. You can find the recipe here:

4. Football Season! I'm not a huge OU fan, but I do cheer for them when they aren't playing OSU. It's kind of hard not to like OU when you live in Norman. I must say, I didn't own one OU t-shirt until just recently. When OU plays at home we can wear jeans and an OU shirt to work on Fri & Sat. Therefore, I now own a few OU shirts so I can wear jeans on the weekend ;)) My college in Fort Smith didn't have a football team so if we ever wanted to go to a football game we had to drive to Fayetteville to watch the Razorbacks. It actually feels nice to live in a college town again and experience all the excitement of football season.

5. The Holidays! I love that fall and winter have so many holidays. I'm so excited for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I'm not sure yet what i'm going to be for Halloween, but I'm sure my friends and I will come up with something fun. I never like to dress up alone. I think it's more fun to go dressed up as a group. I'm interested to see what I can come up with for this Halloween.
Last year we were the Ninja Turtles. Caitlin, Allison, Courtney, and me.
The year before that we were the Spice Girls. Scary Spice (Christen), Posh Spice (Caitlin), Ginger Spice (me), Sporty Spice (Allison), and Baby Spice (Courtney)

6. Lastly, I love fall weather and fall clothes. My favorite thing to wear is sweat pants and long sleeve t-shirts. I also cannot wait to wear scarves, beanies, and boots. I bought the cutest beanies from Forever21 and I can't wait to wear them!

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