Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Way Back Wednesday- Blondell and Quincee

I've decided that I'm going to start doing a blogpost every Wednesday that will include old school pictures from way back when. When I cleaned out my bedroom at my parents house for our garage sale, I found a hat box in my closet full of old pictures. They are hilarious and I want to share some of them with you. This weeks picture is of me and my cousin Blondell. This picture was taken right before Blondell and her family moved to Alaska. Blondell was and always will be one of my most favorite people ever! If you know Blondell, you know that there is never a dull or boring moment when she's around. We always have so much fun together, no matter what we're doing. I can't imagine what I'd do without her! I was so upset and devastated when they moved to Alaska because I knew I would only get to see her during the summer, if even that often. Can you see that butterfly pin she has on her shirt? I really really wanted that butterfly pin and she ended up giving it to me so that I would remember her when I saw it. I was SOOO excited about it....I honestly remember that day so clearly still. I'm not sure if I actually ever wore the pin, but I remember that I held on to it and cherished it for a long time. Later on in life I misplaced the pin and I had no idea where it went. The best part of this story is that I found the pin inside a little box that I was selling in the garage sale. Needless to say, I freaked out and showed my mom and I couldn't believe I found it! Here is the picture from way back when:
and here we are a few years ago LOVE YOU BLONDELL!!!!


  1. Chris and Blondells MommySeptember 8, 2010 at 12:49 PM

    How awesome!! Thanks for sharing Quincee...I loved it.

  2. you guys are so cute!!!

    love it!!!

    so cool you found the butterfly!!!

    a. hopey
