Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weekend Recap!

This weekend was the Tie-Dye-Triathlon. The triathlon consisted of a 500 meter swim, a twelve mile bike ride, and a 5K run. My mom, brother, and I managed to complete it, HOORAY!!! It was my brothers third time to do the triathlon, my second time to do it, and my moms first time. I'm so proud of them for training so hard and doing such a great job. It's really nice to have an active/athletic family who enjoys working out because it's always fun to train for races together. I finished the race in an hour and thirty-six minutes, which put me in 9th place out of 18 in my age group. My brother finished in an hour and twenty-five minutes, which put him in 11th place out of 19 in his age group. My mom finished in an hour and forty-nine minutes, which put her in 3rd place out of 4 in her age group. Here are some pictures of us crossing the finish line.

After the triathlon, I went to work and then headed to Fort Smith, Arkansas to see my college friend Laura and her new baby boy Sawyer. He is just a few days old in these pictures. He was a healthy 9lb baby. He is absolutely perfect, he didn't cry at all while we were there and he pretty much slept the whole time. He has the most precious cheeks and lips I've ever seen. Laura is going to be such a wonderful mommy and I'm so happy for her and her husband!
Proud Mama Laura and Sawyer
Caitlin and me with baby Sawyer.
It was so great to go back to Fort Smith and see everyone again. I'm so glad I got to see all of my favorite people. Even though it was a short visit, we all picked up right where we left off and they filled me in on everything I've missed out on. Can't wait until we all get together again!

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