Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Marathon Training!

It was officially decided last night by my friend Jill and me that we are going to run a marathon!!! YAHOO! Running a marathon has always been on my bucket list and what better time to defeat it than now, right? We are both in our prime years of life and if I don't do it now, I probably never will. We are going to run in the OKC Memorial Marathon on May 1, 2011. Before we run the marathon, we are going to run a half marathon in Fort Smith, Arkansas in March. We decided to use Hal Higdon's marathon training guide that takes 18 weeks to complete. We will begin training on December 27, 2010! It is going to be a HUGE challenge for both of us, but I know we can do it! If anyone is interested in joining us, please do. You can print a copy of the marathon training guide here: http://www.halhigdon.com/marathon/Mar00novice.htm

Jill does not live in the same town as me so we will be encouraging each other through text messaging and phone calls. I will update my blog about our progress once the training starts. I found this picture of us from a while back and I thought it was perfect for the occasion. This is what we'll be doing as we come across the finish line, Ha!

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