Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Sweet Package in the Mail!

Today I had a package waiting for me when I got home. I wasn't expecting anything in the mail and I was very confused when I saw the return postage was from Kentucky. I thought what in the world could it be? I was SO excited when I opened it up and remembered that I ordered a Team Libby bracelet from EBay last week. If you all haven't heard Libby Ryder's AMAZING story, you MUST read her blog ASAP. I came across it while looking at a blog that I follow. I read the introduction to her blog and I was immediately drawn to her story. I got home from work that night and I stayed up until 1:00am reading her blog from start to finish. I literally bawled my eyes out the entire 3 hours. It is an incredibly humbling story about a young woman who is battling cancer. She is a mother, sister, wife, and daughter and she is absolutely inspiring. Best of all, she is a lover of Jesus and uses her cancer to bring others closer to Jesus. I can't even imagine being in her shoes, much less remaining as positive and strong as she has. Her blog is called "Don't Waste Your Cancer." I highly suggest you read it, I promise you will be forever changed. It will totally change your outlook on life and will inspire you to be a better person. Here is a link to her blog: http://libbyryder.blogspot.com/
After reading her blog I decided to buy a Team Libby bracelet as a reminder to constantly pray for her and all the other people battling cancer. One side of the bracelet says Team Libby and the other side says hope, faith, courage, love. You can purchase the bracelets here: http://cgi.ebay.com/Team-Libby-Bracelet-/290483284899?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item895f1c4fe9
Please check out Libby's blog and pray for her and her family!


  1. Thanks for sharing... I am checking it out RIGHT now!!

  2. Q, Libby and her husband are such amazing people. I was truly touched by them when i met them at the first of Libby'scancer. May God continue to bless them.
