Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Way Back Wednesday- Megan and Quincee

In honor of Megan turning 23 this Friday, I thought it would be appropriate to go back in time and black mail her with some great old pictures. Megan and I became friends when we were around 4 years old. We both lived on the same street growing up. We also attended Safety Town together (where you go to learn about street smarts). Megan moved away to live with her mom when we were in the 4th grade, but she came back almost every summer and stayed with her dad. I've always thought it was really cool that even though Megan lived in another town, we were able to remain great friends and pick up where we left off when she returned for the summer. I have a thousand childhood memories that involve Megan. Megan's house was always so much fun.......her dad always had a huge stash of candy. I remember every time I went to her house I had to use plastic ware because I always seemed to break their glass dishes...there was some kind of curse on the house I think. My favorite memories with Megan include: falling off the top bunk bed, cheer leading and dancing, playing dress up, Halloween & July 4th celebrations, riding the go-kart, TPing houses, The 3 Stooges, black and white pics, and many many more!! I hope you have a great bday Meg!! I love you!!

This picture was taken at one of my birthday parties. From left to right: Holly, Paige, Kelly, Allison, MEGAN, Rachel, me (sticking my tongue out), Jessica, and Laura. Here we are at Safety town. Apparently we decided to stop for lunch at Chick-Fil-A.Cruisin' around Safety Town.Freshman year semi-formal. Remember, she didn't go to school with us, but we set her up with a date so she could go to the dance with us.Every summer we took black and white pictures with our best friend Allison. We LOVED getting dressed up and putting on lots of make-up for these pictures. We treated them like glamour shots. We couldn't wait to get the film developed and see them. I would always frame the pics and hang them in my room :) This was the 1st year.2nd year3rd year (sorry there are weird dots on this one....and yes i had huge cheeks)4th yearThis is us back in March. Megan is now a proud mama to the sweetest baby girl. This was my first time meeting Miss K. I know I think all babies are soo cute, but Megan's baby is hands down the cutest, sweetest baby I have ever seen. She is constantly smiling and giggling and is so fun to love on!

**********For those of you who don't know me, but read my blog (if there are any of you haha), I apologize for these long posts about my past. I know they probably bore the heck out of you and I'm sorry. However, I will continue to do them because I actually really enjoy reminiscing and finding these old pics and I have a hard time not sharing them with my friends that are in them. If you do read my blog and I don't know you, please leave me a comment with your blog URL because I'd love to read yours too :))

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