Thursday, November 11, 2010

Running Progress!

I began my "pre-training" for the marathon at the beginning of October. That entails running three miles at a time, three times a week. Therefore, up to this point I've run a total of 51 miles. For me, this is huge! I'm not going to lie, I'm totally dreading the actual marathon training that lies ahead. Every time I run I think to myself, "okay, I'm huffing and puffing now, what is my body going to feel like when I run 40 miles in one week....ohhhhhhhhhhh greeeaaatttt." I have a total of six weeks and four days left before I begin my actual 18 week training plan. I plan on continuing to run three miles a day, three times a week until that point. I would also like to begin lifting and cross training on my days off. I must admit, I feel so great when I get done running. I stepped on the scale today and I've lost about 10 pounds since last Christmas. I know that doesn't seem like much since it's over such a large span of time, but I think I lost the majority of it when I moved back to Norman. I'm not doing any kind of dieting (if you know me, you know that I love food and I eat just about anything I want......lots of chips and fried foods.) I attribute the weight loss solely to running and exercise. When I look at myself, I can't really tell I've lost much weight, but I can definitely tell that I've lost inches. My clothes fit so much better and I don't feel like I have to unbutton my pants to breathe (that is the worst feeling ever!) I am excited about the hard core training that is coming up soon, but I'm dreading it at the same time. It will be a huge test to see if I have the will power and determination to do it. I will definitely have to start watching what I eat and drink. I'm so thankful that the weather has been so nice lately because it makes running 10 times easier.

Happy Veteran's Day to all the soldiers who have and still are fighting for our country!! I cannot thank you enough!

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