Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Way Back Wednesday- Quincee and Stephanie!

I found these fine jewels as I was skimming through my box of old pictures thinking about who was going to be the lucky one featured in this week's way back Wednesday post. I couldn't resist sharing them. Let me introduce you to my cousin Stephanie. Stephanie and I were the only girls on my dad's side of the family for a long time, or until all the boys got married and added some awesome girls to the family. Therefore, I became Stephanie's shadow every time that side of the family got together. Poor Stephanie probably got so sick of me always tagging along with her and her friends. When she started driving she would always take me to get a coke with her. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and I felt so privileged to get to hang out with my older "cool" cousin. I'm sure every time she did her hair or makeup I watched her like a hawk. Thanks Steph for always letting me tag along with you, even though it probably wasn't the coolest thing you ever did. I always hoped that I would grow up and be as pretty as you!

Stephanie's wedding day. I was honored to be a candle lighter in her wedding.

With Stephanie's friend and bridesmaid at her wedding.Okay, so I have no idea how I ended up with this picture, but somehow I did...kinda weird. I couldn't help but post it because I think it's hilarious how much the style has changed. Check out that awesome hair and those amazing dresses (loving the sleeves and the garters!)

I also found this picture of Steph's first born son. He is 7 now, which makes me feel old!
Here is another picture of Parker when he was a little bit older.

I would post a recent picture of us now, but I couldn't find one on my newest computer. Guess I've been too busy taken pictures of her sweet boys when I'm with her. I've had the privilege of taking Christmas pictures of the boys for the last two years, and I can't wait to take them again this year. I will be posting those pictures on my blog once they are taken.

1 comment:

  1. OMG... I was sooo not expecting those pictures :) I have NO idea how you got those of our Prom pictures, so funny :) I loved you hanging around me, I went 14 years being the only girl, I was happy to take you anywhere :)
