Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Way Back Wednesday- Quincee and The Stafford's!

Meet the Stafford family! My family and the Stafford family go way back....and I mean WAY BACK! My parents and their dad went to school together way back when. They lost touch after they graduated high school, but they ran into each other in Norman, OK on the golf course after they were both married. They reconnected and have been great friends ever since. The Stafford's have a daughter Jessie who is the same age as my brother, a daughter Laura who is my age, and a son Will who is still in high school. Trevor and Jessie went to preschool together and we have tons of pictures of them kissing when they were little. Whenever our families get together, we always have such a great time. There is NEVER a dull moment. I don't think the giggling ever stops. I'm so thankful to have such sweet, special family friends. The Stafford's live in Houston so we try to get together at least once a year. Occasionally we will spend the holidays together. We've spent New Year's and the 4th of July in Houston. We've also been on a family cruise together during Thanksgiving break when I was in high school. Two years ago we spent Thanksgiving with the Stafford's at Green Leaf in Tahlequah. We had two cabins, one for the kids and one for the adults. We went fishing, hiking, and spent a lot of time eating and sitting by the campfire. It was such a relaxing and fun Thanksgiving. We decided that this year we are going to do the same thing, except we will be staying in a different location. I'm so excited to spend Thanksgiving with them!At an amusement park in Houston when I went to visit for the summer. I remember I saved up all my money and did a ton of chores so I could earn money to fly to Houston and stay with them. It was my first time to fly and I went alone.

The whole gang in Houston.

Thanksgiving 2008 at Green Leaf.

Sitting around the campfire. Thanksgiving 2008.

Girls weekend trip to Houston this past summer.
Girls Weekend....so much fun!

Me, Jessica, Beverly (their mom), Lori (my mom), and Laura

All three kids are extremely talented and smart. Jessica is currently in Optometry school. Laura is an interior design student at Baylor, and Will is an awesome baseball player! Both Jessica and Laura have unbelievably angelic voices. They definitely have a God given talent that will give you goosebumps. They will both be singing in my wedding one day :)

Can't wait to see you all soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love so you much Quincee!!!! What a touching blog!! See you soon!!! Love Bev
