Sunday, December 19, 2010

Going to the chapel and they're gonna get married.....

There must be something in the water because it seems like so many of my friends have gotten engaged recently. I'm so ecstatic for every single one of them and I can't wait for their wedding day and all the festivities that go along with it. I've always thought that one of the sweetest stages in life had to be when all your friends got married and started having babies. It's such a fun time to bring everyone together to celebrate an awesome thing called love!

I'm proud to say that I will be inheriting a sweet sister within the next year! Yes, you heard right, my brother popped the question to his girlfriend this weekend. I'm so stoked for them. They truly are a wonderful couple and have such a great bond. They were very close friends before they started dating. They attended the same high school and Ashley was Trevor's date to their junior prom. Everyone pretty much knew when they started dating that they would end up getting married. He took Ashley to Medicine Park to celebrate Christmas with just the two of them. When he gave her her Christmas present there were three boxes, one inside the other. The first box had a piece of paper in it that said "will".......the second box said "you".......and the third box said "marry me" and had the ring in it. Ashley said she thought it was a joke at first. She obviously knew what the other boxes contained, but she figured Trevor was playing a joke and was going to put something funny in the last box. The engagement ring that Trevor picked out all by himself. I was very impressed. Of course, I had to try it on and it is absolutely gorgeous! I warned Trevor and Ben that they better get ready to hear all things wedding because that's probably all Ashley and I will talk about......and trust me it's already started haha.

Congratulations to my sweet friend Gill on her engagement. Gill and I went to college together in Fort Smith for two years. Her fiance Jeremy is a very lucky guy. I know she is going to be such a wonderful wife and mother......and she will make a beautiful bride. I'm sad that I don't get to see Gill very often because we don't live in the same town, but I will always cherish her friendship. She is such sweet, caring friend and I couldn't be happier for her and Jeremy.

Next up on the list of newly engaged couples is Kyle & Jill. Kyle is one of Aaron's good friends. They played baseball together in Fort Smith and then they both moved to Tahlequah to attend NSU. Aaron has been Kyle & Jill's roommate for the last two years, therefore we see each other quite often. Aaron and I always enjoy hanging out with them. They are such a cute couple and I'm so excited for them! Congratulations Kyle and Jill, love you guys!

Congratulations to my cousin Brad and his new fiance Jaimi! They will be getting married in Jamaica this June. When I found out they were having a destination wedding in Jamaica I decided that I was going to find a way to go. My cousin called me tonight and asked if I'd be willing to take their wedding pictures. I am flattered that they asked and I definitely cannot turn that opportunity down. I will be practicing/studying up on my photography skills so I can capture their beautiful day. I absolutely cannot wait for the wedding and I'm super excited to get a new cousin!!

My good friend Lance proposed to his girlfriend back in October. His proposal was pretty sweet! They went skydiving together and as she was landing there was a sign on the ground that said "will you marry me?" and as she came to the ground he was down on one knee. I give Lance major props for that one! Congratulations Lance and Brandy, can't wait for your special day!

See what I mean when I say there must be something in the water?

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