Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Birthday MOM!!

Happy 52nd Birthday to the greatest mom in the entire world! I hope this year brings many blessings and wonderful memories your way! I'm so thankful that I have such an amazing mom. My friends used to always tell me that I was going to be just like my mom when I grew up. Of course, back when I was in high school and was a stubborn teenager, I always said "no I won't." If you were to say the same thing to me now I would tell you that I can only hope that I'm half the mom and wife that she is. My mom is truly one of my best friends.....I pretty much tell her everything and I LOVE spending quality time with her. My mom and dad have taught me so many great life lessons. One thing I learned from my mom is how to cherish and nurture friendships. My mom has a close knit group of great friends, whether it be from high school, college, Sunday school, etc. Seeing her maintain those friendships over the years has taught me that you have to nourish those relationships and have a part in their lives for them to survive. When I was younger, one of my favorite things to do with my mom was have slumber parties! When my dad would be gone for football games and track meets my mom and I would always have slumber parties. We would just hang out and watch movies and then I would get to sleep in her room and when my dad came home late at night from the games, he would be kicked out of his bed and have to sleep in mine. I LOVED having slumber parties with my mom, mainly because when I was younger I was scared to sleep by myself, haha. I'm thankful that my mom pushed me (forced me would be a better word) to try new things. She made me play soccer and sing/ring in the church choir. I absolutely hated soccer and I didn't love church choir, but I grew to enjoy church choir and I'm so glad that I was a part of it. All in all, I think my mom is pretty darn cool and I look up to her....after all, how many 52 year olds can say that in the last year they completed a half marathon and a triathlon and are training for their 2nd half marathon? Mom, I'm so proud of all that you have accomplished in the last year and I hope next year is just as great! I'm so thankful for your love and friendship....I LOVE YOU! Happy Birthday!

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