Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Training Progress #10!!


This week was probably the hardest week yet. I know I'm going to catch myself continually saying that from here on out because it's about to get REAL UGLY! I like to whine a lot don't I? I got really frustrated this week because during my 7 mile run I had to walk three different times. I've yet to stop and walk on any of my runs. I have stopped halfway during my long runs to get a drink, but never to stop and walk. I was having really bad chest and knee pains. I think the heat and wind really got to me that day. Here's my progress from this past week:

Wednesday: ran 3 miles (duration of run: 27:45)
Thursday: ran 7 miles (not even going to put the time on here because I didn't keep track with all the walking that took place)
Friday: ran 4 miles (38:15)
Monday: ran 15 miles (2:39:22)

The 15 mile run wasn't as horrible as I expected. I was able to run the whole entire thing. I stopped halfway and got a drink of Powerade and ate two Cliff Energy Blocks. They're chewy little squares that taste fruity and give you energy. In my opinion, they were MUCH better than the GU. I also stopped at about mile 11 to go pee. We came upon a gas station and there was no way I was going to make it the whole time without stopping to bladder was so full and all the energy stuff runs straight through me (sorry if that was TMI). My sweet boyfriend rode his bike beside me the whole way....poor guy! It was pretty cold and he only brought shorts so he was freezing the entire way. He told me, "I'm ready for this marathon to be over with already" to which I responded, "you're ready for it to be over with... I'm ready for it to be over with." He said he's no longer going to come and visit me on days that I do long runs. I don't blame him one bit, but I sure do enjoy his company. This week's schedule is as follows: 4 miles Wednesday, 8 miles Thursday, 4 miles Friday, 16 miles Monday. Wish me luck!!

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