Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Precious Pups!

For those family members and friends who were worried about us in the storms today, we are safe. Thank you for texting/calling to check up on us. I'm so thankful it missed us, but praying for those families who weren't as fortunate. I was stuck at work and took cover in the break room at the mall, my mom and dad had their mattresses and helmets ready and took cover in their closet, and Trevor went to a building on the OU campus to take cover. Funny story- Trevor asked if I had a plan in case a tornado were to hit. I had no idea where I would go in our house so I asked what his plan was. He said he would recommend that I take cover in his bedroom closet and put the dogs in the hall closet. He then said that if there was more than one person home than we would leave the dogs out in the house and put the other people in the hall closet. Then I asked what we would do if all of us were home at once. Trevor's reply was, "well, then we'll just rock paper scissor for the closets." AWESOME! I was very worried at work today about how the dogs were doing and where they were when the storm hit. Before Trevor went to take cover at OU he put both the dogs in his bedroom closet with a bone. Much to our surprise, when we got home this evening, there they were sitting exactly as he left them in the closet. They were in there for more than an hour. Poor pups. He said they both just looked up at him like what in the heck are we doing in here. We sure do love our dogs and want to make sure they stay safe in the storms too! ...and because every post is better with pictures, here are a few pics of Samson & Harris at the lake. Aaron and I took them out there on Monday to swim and play fetch. They loved every minute of it.

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