Sunday, June 12, 2011

Welcome Home, Chris!

Meet my cousin Chris (on the left). Chris is a pilot in the Navy and for the past seven months he's been overseas aboard the USS Carl Vinson. On Thursday, we were able to celebrate his homecoming! Pictured with Chris is his sister, Blondell.
Now, meet Marcy. Marcy is Chris' beautiful wife and they are expecting their first baby and it's going to be a girl! It was quite a close call on whether or not Chris was going to make it home for the birth of their little girl, but God's timing was perfect and baby Isabel held out for her daddy to get home first. Marcy will be induced this Tuesday if Isabel doesn't make her appearance before then. I'm sooo excited to meet her!

Chris was only expecting his parents, wife, and sister to be at the airport, but instead he was greeted by over 30 friends and family. It was really special to be a part of! Along with family and friends, there was also cameramen from the local news channels there to video the homecoming. Here's Marcy interviewing with the news while everyone held up signs behind her.

Chris' dad, Pete arrived in a wheelchair.....I guess grandpa decided he didn't need to be pushed in a wheelchair so he pushed his son instead.
Blondell's sign that she made.

Some of the group
I thought this picture was hilarious because of the sheer excitement Chris' uncles had on their faces...if you couldn't tell by the blatenly obvious picture, that was sarcasm.
Her sign reads, "I love you Chris you are my favarate uncle." Too cute. Love how she spelt favorite.

Here he comes......

So sweet. Checking out Marcy's belly and saying hello to Isabel. Love this picture.....I think it's neat that the American Flag made it into the picture as well.

So glad to have you back home, Chris! You truly are a hero and I'm so proud of you for serving our country so well. Can't wait to meet Isabel!

For those of you interested, here's the news video of Chris' arrival.

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