Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Change Is Good!

This past Thursday I decided that I'd had enough with my long hair. It was driving me CRAZY! Since it's over 100 degrees outside everyday, there was really no point in ever styling it and wearing it down because it would be all nasty by the time I got to where I was going. I was constantly pulling it up in ponytails and I felt like it was really weighing my face down. I had a picture of the cut that I wanted in my station at work and I looked at it almost everyday wishing that I had the nerve to cut my hair. The only thing that was really holding me back was the fact that I have to be in two weddings in a few months and I was planning on wearing my hair up. I finally decided to be spontaneous and adventurous and do it. I made my decision on my way to work and by the middle of the day it was short. I absolutely LOVE it. Lora, my friend from work cut it. She is fabulous and did an awesome job. It feels SOOO much better. I haven't had my hair short since my sophomore year in college. Luckily, I was able to gather all the hair that we cut and secure it in a ponytail. I believe it will be long enough to donate to Locks of Love. That was my original intention of growing my hair out. I've donated it once before and I kind of like to cut it short and wear it that way for a while and then grow it out to donate again. So far, everyone I've talked to really likes my hair. It is so much easier to fix and it feels so much cooler! Thanks Lora, you're the best! My long hair before

The look I was going for My new short hair! Sorry this is a bad picture and it's kind of hard to see, but it's the only one I have with short hair so far.

And just in case you were wondering, yes...it is supposed to be asymmetrical (uneven on the sides). People keep asking me that so I just wanted to clarify!

1 comment:

  1. ahhh! so happy you finally did it - I know we have been talking about it! I loveee it - looks so good!
