Thursday, July 7, 2011

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Cornelsen!

I'm so excited to share with you a few pictures from my cousin's wedding in Negril, Jamaica. Everything about it was absolutely perfect! I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to go to the wedding and do their photography. When Brad first asked me to do it, I was THRILLED! I couldn't believe they really wanted me to take their wedding pictures......after all, I've never done a wedding before and I've never taken pictures on the beach. To be honest, I didn't really know what I was doing at all. I decided that this was something I could handle and I accepted! I did some research and asked some wonderful photographers a lot of questions. Their help and advice was exactly what I needed. I was extremely nervous about it and lots of prayers were said....and they were answered! My biggest fear was the lighting. I wasn't sure how bright the sun would be and I was afraid there would be lots of shadowing. Thank you Jesus for giving us the perfect picture weather the morning of the wedding. It was a HUGE blessing! Brad and Jaimi truly are an amazing couple. I know photographers say it all the time that they couldn't have had better subjects to shoot, but now I know why they say that. It makes a huge difference when you're working with awesome people. I couldn't believe how laid back Brad and Jaimi were. They really took away all my nervousness and let me know that they trusted me and knew it would all work out. There really wasn't one moment during the whole wedding that I felt stressed. That's saying a whole lot because weddings are uber stressful and so is wedding photography....especially when you've never done it before. All of this to say, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Brad and Jaimi for allowing me to take your wedding pictures and to celebrate your marriage with you in Jamaica. I'm so glad I did it and I would totally do it again!! My new dream job is to become a destination wedding photographer.....I could handle vacations to beautiful places and get paid to do it. Jaimi, you were an absolutely beautiful bride and a delight to work with. You were glowing/beaming the entire trip and I can tell how much love you have for Brad. Brad is a lucky man and you are a lucky woman. So glad to add a new cousin to the family. Brad, thanks for being such a cooperative're a natural at those GQ poses. I know you're going to be an amazing husband to Jaimi! Congrats to you both!

1 comment:

  1. Quincee, you did a FANTASTIC job! Beautiful pictures!!!! Miss you!
