Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Congratulations Alli & Ryan!

Since my blog has been all about weddings and engaged couples lately, this post will be very fitting. Let me fill you in on a little background information. My best friend's name is Allison.

Back in the day, 6th grade to be exact

She has been my best friend since before I even knew what the word best friend meant. So Allison is dating Ryan and they just recently got back from a trip to Oregon to visit Ryan's family. There had been talk previously that Ryan might just pop the question to Alli on this very trip. I thought it was very possible, but Alli wasn't totally convinced. However, she assured me that if it did happen, I would be the first person she would call. Well I never received a phone call from her so I assumed it didn't happen, but I had this tiny little inkling that it did happen because she never called me and said it didn't. I didn't want to bother her about it in case it didn't happen so I never called and asked. I got a text from her today saying that she would call me when I got off work and we could talk about her trip and our friend's bachelorette party. She also said she would be in town this evening so I asked her if she wanted to meet for ice cream after work. I had this gut instinct that she had something special to tell me about this trip. The first thing I did when I saw her at the ice cream shop was look at her ring finger and guess what?? NO RING! So we continued on ordering our ice cream, but I noticed she had a gift sack in her hand. She told me it was a souvenir she bought me from Oregon. I opened the gift and this is what I found: Then she pulls out the most GORGEOUS ring and puts it on her finger. I pretty much freaked out and told her I totally knew it! She was able to keep her secret from all her friends from Saturday until today so that she could tell me in person....that was so sweet and special to me! Alli, I'm so honored to get to be your maid-of-honor on such an important day in your life. Congratulations to both you and Ryan! Love you guys so much!

Alli and Ryan at the zoo