Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

#1. I love that I finally made myself get up early on my day off to go garage selling. I took a long break from going because I realized I had WAY TOO MUCH stuff accumulated in the garage. I'm glad I went this week because I found some fun treasures!

I thought this dainty gold and diamond bracelet was cute. I asked the lady how much it was and she threw it in my bag and said, "it's free, just take it!" I love it when people say that!
I got this picture frame for $1. My plan is to put a mirror on the bottom and use it as a tray on a coffee table or maybe a tray to hold perfume and trinkets on my dresser. I might spray paint it too, but I think I like the way it is now.
I got two of these antique frames for $0.50 a piece. They will be used for my frame gallery some day :) And yes, I will probably spray paint them.
I love these tea light lanterns. The lady who sold them at her garage sale bought them in Mexico and she hung them above her bathtub. I bought five of them for $5. Each lantern has a chain that is a different length. Not sure where I'll hang them yet, but I couldn't resist buying them.

#2. I love that I added two new teacups/saucers to my collection.
I bought this one at Marshall's when we were shopping in Fort Worth, TX. Isn't the pattern fun?

I got this set at Anthropologie....it was on sale for $7.99. I LOVE the design!!

#3. I love that my onesie business has been good....good, but exhausting! Here are a few of the newest designs:

#4. I love that fall is here. I love everything about fall....it is my favorite time of the year! I love that we had a pumpkin carving night with some of my friends......and I love even more that Aaron got to be a part of it and hosted it at his new house! It's been so fun having him close!

Me and the boyfriend! I told him I would carve the Browning symbol so he could leave it on his front porch, but I realized I wasn't that talented of a pumpkin carver so instead we did "RNT". For those of you that aren't avid hunters, the Browning symbol is the deer you see on the back of every one's trucks and RNT is a brand of duck calls. Aaron was pretty proud of his pumpkin!Rachel and Dylan carved a scary, mean faced pumpkin. Dylan obviously wanted to look mean in the picture too, hah! Alli and Ryan carved their upcoming wedding date on their pumpkin....CUTE!

#5. I love that my mom and I have been taking a 5 week long cupcake decorating class at our church. It has been a lot of fun! So far we've learned how to make vanilla cupcakes with an orange glaze (these did not turn out at all because my group forgot to add sugar to the recipe so they tasted like disgusting biscuits. How do you forget sugar?? It was just my luck with cooking), lemon jello cupcakes with butter cream frosting, and pumpkin cupcakes, some with pumpkin filling, salty Carmel filling, and pudding filling. The lemon and pumpkin cupcakes were sooo much better than the vanilla. We are slowly learning how to decorate them with all the different icing tips and techniques, but it is not as easy as it looks.

Here's a picture of our lemon cupcakes. Tonight in our class we are going to be decorating cupcakes in a holiday theme. Not sure yet which holiday we will choose, but I'll make sure and take pics to share with you.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!

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