Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

#1. Today is my beautiful mamma's birthday! We are celebrating tonight with dinner and possibly a movie, or ice skating. I kind of hope it's ice skating because I love to ice skate and Aaron has never been before so that would be quite comical!

Me, my brother, and mom

#2. I absolutely LOVE Rodney Carrington! Anyone ever been to one of his shows? If you're not familiar with him, he's a comedian from Oklahoma and he's hysterical. He's also been in the movie, Beer for my Horses. Two years ago, Trevor, Ashley, Aaron, and I went to his show and it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. We were all in tears from laughing so hard. Yes, he's vulgar and talks about inappropriate stuff, but it's hilarious! Since we talked so highly of his show, my parents decided they wanted to go this year. I'm interested to see if they think it's as funny as we do. I'm definitely not sitting next to them because that might be awkward :/It helps that he's a good lookin man for his age!

#3. As a Christmas gift from my mom, I got an online photography workshop from the talented, Southern California photographer, Megan Papworth. Check out her website here. The workshop includes 6 lesson plans that cover everything you need to know to execute a professional photo shoot. They were offering this deal through Very Jane and it was half off the original price! I can't wait to get started and see what I learn!

#4. Today begins the first day of my half marathon training. I've been so lazy lately and it's time I get back in shape. I will be running in the OKC Memorial Half Marathon on April 29th, 2012. My official 12 week training will begin on Feb. 5th. Starting today, I will be running 3 miles, 3 times a week. I'm using Hal Higdon's training program (the same program I used for the marathon). You can view it here. If anyone would like to join me, please do....I'd love some company this year!

5. I love that Christmas is on Sunday! I just have Christmas day off so I don't have any big traveling plans. Looking forward to relaxing and spending a day with my family at home. We will be going to see family that live here in OK throughout the day. I also love looking at all the Christmas cards. It's one of my favorite things about Christmas time. I wanted to share our Christmas letter we sent out this year. My family has a tradition of sending out letters instead of cards. In the past we've each written a note about the year we had and what Christmas meant to us. Then, my mom compiled them into a scrapbook type letter with pictures. This year my mom didn't really have time to put anything together so I told her I'd be in charge of making a letter. I really enjoyed making it! It's been fun to look back on all the letters from years past and see what was going on in our lives.The front of this year's letter

The back

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!!



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