Friday, March 23, 2012

Sleepless In Seattle- A Recap!

My trip to Seattle was AMAZING! Exactly what I needed.....some time away in a new city with two of my favorite people! Honestly, we felt so unprepared heading on this trip. We didn't have one single thing planned. I'm used to having a full itinerary on vacations. It was actually really fun to be spontaneous and decide to do things on a whim.

Day 1-
-We headed to the Space Needle for brunch, ate some yummy food, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and had a blast.

-After brunch, we decided it'd be fun to rent bikes and explore the city. The weather was perfect, minus a short downpour. Luckily, we stopped for some drinks and chips & queso at Paquitos Mexican restaurant while it rained so it worked out just fine. We ended up riding our bikes for 5 hours. It was so much fun. We got to see all the pretty houses and fun shops in Capitol Hill. Not going to lie, I got a pretty good workout riding up all those crazy hills. Not used to that here in Oklahoma!
-On this day, we decided that a skip trip was in store for us the following day. Super spontaneous seeing as though we didn't bring ski gear. Who cares right? That's what thrift shops are for. We made a stop at Value Village on our bike ride to pick up some ski gear. I found some sweet purple ski bibs for $7.99, a Colombia coat for $25, gloves for $2.99, and a beanie for $1.99. Alli found some nice ski pants for super cheap and Marcus also found a pair of ski pants. We were ready to go. Notice the gorgeous green shirt Marcus tried on for Saint Patty's Day. Too bad he decided against it.
-We were pooped after a long day of activities so we went home and went to bed early. We knew if we stayed out late we wouldn't make it up in time to go skiing.

Day 2-
-Woke up early and headed to the slopes at Steven's Pass. I was a little worried we weren't going to see any snow on the mountain....boy was I wrong. I've never skied in such thick snow in my life. It definitely made it hard to get back up when we fell. The view was incredible. I'm so glad we followed through with our plan and actually went.

-When we got home from skiing we got cleaned up, ate dinner at Pesos, and decided on a whim to go sing karaoke. Pretty happy about that decision because it was quite hilarious. Alli and I sang "No Scrubs" by TLC and Marcus and Alli sang N'SYNC's "Dirty Pop." It was classic. Alli and I killed "No Scrubs" by the way. You can tell from the pics we were getting into it.

Day 3 (Saint Patty's Day)-

-One of Marcus' friends organized a pub crawl for St. Patty's Day. We went to about three different Irish pub's during the afternoon. It was fun to meet and hangout with his friends. One of the pubs was located in Pier 70 (the place where Real World Seattle was filmed).

-On our flight to Seattle, there was a guy sitting next to us who coached soccer for the Houston Dynamo. He was going to Seattle for a coaching course and had a ticket to the Seattle Sounders (the professional soccer team) game. Alli had mentioned to him that she really wanted to go to a game while we were there. He ended up getting her number because he was going to try and get us tickets to the game. Thanks to our new friend, we got 3 tickets to the game. It was AWESOME. It was their season opener on St. Patty's Day and it was nuts. Didn't know soccer was that big in Seattle! It was pretty cool and I hate soccer. Big thanks to Johnathan...that was really sweet of him.Day 4-

-Woke up early and headed to the market. It was pretty cold and rainy that day. Oh how I wish we had a market. I would go there every morning for fresh fruit. I've never had such juicy, amazing fruit in my life. I could have done without the whole seafood thing. YUCK, I hate the smell of fish. We got to see them throw the fish around. The fish almost slapped a lady in the face...GROSS. I'm amazed at how cheap the flowers are at the market. A huge, beautiful bouquet was only $10-$20. In Oklahoma, you could buy a tiny bouquet from Wal-Mart for that price and they wouldn't even be that pretty. Wish they could ship me flowers once a week from the market. We seriously thought about that.

-We also hit up H&M and some other shops. Proud to say I walked out of H&M empty handed and it was my first time there....surprising!
-I think Alli went into Beecher's Cheese Shop every time she walked by it. There was some seriously good cheese and crackers in there. We brought some home as souvenirs.....mine is already gone.

-Sunday evening we relaxed, ate Zeek's pizza for dinner, and went to bed early.

-If you read my previous posts, you already know what catastrophe awaited us on Monday!

Thanks again Marcus for being such a wonderful host and letting us come stay. We loved everything about the city and had a blast hanging out with you and your friends. Can't wait to visit again! LOVE YOU!


  1. So glad you had a blast in Seattle. I miss my homeland every single day, so I love when others go and love it!

    1. I bet you miss it a lot! It sure is a pretty city with lots of fun things to do.

  2. awesome fun trip!!!
    thanks for sharing....felt as if I was there!!!
    glad I missed the flight ;p
