Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Way Back Wednesday- Cousin Style #2

Like I promised last week, here is Way Back Wednesday with my cousins on my mom's side of the family. My mom's side of the family is huge. I have eleven cousins, plus all their spouses and their kids. It makes for a big group when we're all together at once. Just like my dad's side of the family, they are all extremely important to me and I love them all very much. We are all very spread out so it's really hard to get everyone together at once. Therefore, I couldn't find any pictures of all of us together at once. That will be our goal for the next family gathering...a picture of all the cousins together. I'm sure there's one somewhere, but I couldn't find it. There are some major differences between cousins on my mom's side and cousins on my dad's side. That's what makes it so much fun. My dad's side is very athletic and every cousin was an athlete at some point (good athletes) and almost all of them have coached at some point in their life. However, my mom's side of the family is more artistic and creative. When we get together for gatherings, there is always singing involved (good singing). We would never dare sing with the other side of the family. Just like my dad's side, my cousins on my mom's side are very special to me and I don't know what I'd do without them. I also love their spouses and their precious kids. Once again I am biased, but they are the cutest kids ever. I love every minute I get to spend with my cousins and their families. I just wish we lived closer and could get together more often. Can't wait for the next time we're all together. Enjoy the pics!

Me, Blondell, and Chris
Chris, Bo, and Miako

So sweet

The boys

The gang hanging out in my old room.

We look like we're having a blast, huh?

Oh this picture makes me laugh.

The four oldest cousins.

Why so serious?

I'm loving Blondell's overalls. Check out that white hair.

Classic. We are the four youngest cousins.

We love our cousin, Luke

The kids table.

Love this picture. We had some really good times on the trampoline.

Thanks to Kaleigh, I'm not the youngest cousin on this side of the family.

Me and Miako. She is now a Dr. and studied Linguistics. She is amazing at sign language and has interpreted for some pretty famous people...way cool!

Not sure what's on my nose and on the top of my head, but it looks like a unicorn horn or something. Every time I went to Blondell's house I went to her room to play with her massive pom-poms. I loved those things.

I love this picture because there is so much going on....Blondell & Luke loving on Kaleigh and I'm being a turd and sticking my tongue out at Chris.

The boys with their Grandma.
*The little boy on the far left is my cousin, Thad. We lost him in a car wreck when he was 13. I know we all can't wait to be reunited with him in Heaven one day. He is our precious guardian angel. I miss him so much!

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. so funny, such WHITE hair!!!
    great pics, great memories, great kids!!!
