Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Way Back Wednesday- Cousin Style

Cousins- April 2011
My mom has requested that I do a Way Back Wednesday post about my cousins, so here it goes. Family is important, extremely important. One of the most important things in my life. There is never a time that I don't enjoy spending time with my family, especially my cousins. It's always fun! I'm so thankful for the wonderful family I've been blessed with. I have some pretty amazing cousins who have been great role models for me. You see, I'm the youngest cousin on my dad's side and the second youngest on my mom's side. I've always been the baby who tagged along and probably drove them nuts, but I always enjoyed being along for the ride and I was always paying attention to what was going on. I'm the only one on my dad's side who isn't married yet and there are only three of us without kids. I have thoroughly enjoyed being the youngest because I've gotten to watch them grow up, get married, have babies and I've learned a lot from them. They are all amazing parents to their children and they have the CUTEST kids ever. Of course, I'm biased, but they're pretty darn adorable. Now, I usually spend more time playing with their children when we're all together, but that's because they're all too old and their kids are more fun (just kidding ;)) Can't wait for the next time we're all together in July for a family reunion! Without further adieu, meet my cousins on my dad's side.
Before I came along. My brother is the little baby. How cute are they? Love your hair, Steph.Trevor, Brad, and Ryan at a track meet.
The same three boys a little more grown up.
Steph trying to keep me entertained with a tea party...back when we were the only girls.
Check out my sweet vest with houses on it...pretty sure my Me-ma made that for me. I LOVED her homemade outfits.
Justin being my cheerleading partner. I always wanted to do stunts with the boys.
The whole gang with Me-ma. Justin's track suit is pretty sweet.
Looking fancy....must have been headed to church.
We added two new cousins to the fam....Kimberly, Justin's wife and Colby, Steph's husband.
With our Great Grandpa Shubert.....miss him!These are all the girls, minus the two newest additions to the family, Jaimi (Brad's wife) and Ashley (Trevor's wife). I think all my cousins picked winners!
All of my cousin's kids. They are so precious and so much fun. I just love them to pieces!

Stay tuned next Wed for my mom's side of the family....I promise I didn't forget about you guys!

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