Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bittersweet, but Mostly Sweet!

A few posts back I made this statement at the very end of my post...*Lastly, I need a favor. I would greatly appreciate it if you could all say a prayer for Aaron. He is still in the process of finding a full time job. He had an interview last week for a job that would be ideal for him. Please pray that if it's where God wants him that they will hire him. It would be SO fabulous, thanks!

Well I am super excited to announce that HE GOT THE JOB!  Thanks to everyone who kept him in your prayers, it is greatly appreciated. For those of you that don't know, Aaron graduated college about a year and a half ago with his degree in Environmental and Health Safety Management. Since then he has had an internship with the Oklahoma Wildlife Dept. and worked on a friend's farm, but was not having any luck with finding a full time career. He applied for so many different jobs and had numerous interviews. It was so frustrating for both of us, but especially him. He is extremely smart and knows his wildlife/nature/safety stuff like the back of his hand. I know he is a very hard worker and is always good at what he does. That was the most frustrating part about not finding a job. No one would give him a chance because he didn't have the required amount of experience, etc. It's a tough market out there.

All this to say, he pretty much got his dream job. He will be working as a technician at a fish hatchery in a quaint little town in Arkansas. When I say little, I mean little. I did my research and according to the 2010 census the population was 977....wowzers! Can you say culture shock for me? I am beyond excited for this new adventure.

So where does the bitter part come in? Well, this precious little town is located 7 hours from where I currently live :( Everyone has been asking me these few questions recently so I'll just go ahead and answer them.
1. When will he be moving? -Not for sure yet. Probably at the beginning of July.
2. Am I moving with him? -Not until we're married. Bring on the REAL long distance relationship!

Hopefully, within the next few weeks I will take a trip up there with him to look for a rent house.
I think it will be the perfect place for Aaron. He will be right next to great trout fishing streams so I'm sure he will do tons of fishing in his free time. He also said there's a floating river there so all are welcome to come visit and go floating!!

Here's a picture of the scenery in town:
 Aaron will be doing a lot of this. I guess I better learn how to fly fish.
The little downtown. Aaron made sure to scope it all out for me at his interview. He said there are tons of cute little antique shops :) Once he moves up there, he will check out the local hair salons, if there are any.
 We celebrated his new job last night with a home cooked meal. That is a rare occurrence with me. I wanted to cook whatever he picked out, but somehow Aaron ended up taking over some of the duties. I had to tell him to go sit down and let me do it. I must say, I love a guy that loves to cook...especially since I'm so bad at it.
Why do all men have to wear a towel over their back when cooking? Samson was supervising.
Cajun Chicken Pasta: recipe here
 Caesar Salad
 Cheddar Garlic Biscuits : recipe here
We enjoyed our meal on the back patio, watching the rain.
Afterwards, we went to watch the Thunder game with my brother, his wife, and some friends. It was a wonderful evening. I'm going to soak up and cherish these moments with Aaron before he moves 7 hours away. I am going to be an emotional wreck!

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