Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday.

#1. I LOVED all the fun shenanigans that went on last week/weekend.
      -I got to stay at Aaron's on my days off last week. We had a blast hanging out at the lake,  shopping in Tulsa, and hanging out with his family. I seriously don't think I've ever laughed as hard or as often as I do around Aaron and his brothers. They are hysterical when they get together, they always have me rolling.

-Friday night, one of my friends from high school got married. They had a fun, sweet reception afterwards. Toni looked so beautiful and happy. I'm so excited for her and wish her many many years of joy and bliss. I didn't get a picture with the bride :( but here's a pic of us at the reception.
My pretty friends Katie and you girls.

 - My best friend, Marcus was in town visiting from Seattle. All of our friends from high school went out on Saturday night and then we had dinner at Zio's on Sunday night. It was great to see Marcus and catch up with everyone. They are all very special, dear friends to me and I love spending time with them.

#2. I'm going to LOVE all the fun shenanigans that will take place this weekend and next week/weekend.
- Friday night after work, I'll be heading to the Talequah area for Aaron's congrats/going away party with his friends. It's always a blast at his friend's house and it's been a while since I've been there so I'm really excited. It will be a very short trip since I have to be at work the next morning, but it will be worth the drive.
- It just so happens that 4th of July falls on my day off and I have the following day off as well. I'll be spending the holiday with Aaron. We aren't quite sure what our plans are, but I'm sure it will be tons of fun.
-The weekend after 4th of July, we will be headed to a state park for our family reunion. Can't wait to have the weekend off and soak up the sun and spend quality time with family that I haven't seen in a while. We are doing our Christmas in July this year since it's been difficult to get everyone together during Christmas time. Get ready for a lot of picture taking :)
 The last time we were all together in April 2011 for my Mema's 80th birthday party.
 Some of the family together at Trevor & Ashley's wedding in November 2011.

#3. I'm in LOVE with Tori Spelling's new show on TLC called Craft Wars. It comes on at 9:00pm central time on Tuesday nights. You should check it out. It's my second favorite show on TV right now...The Bachelorette is still #1.

Hope you guys have a great week and a Happy 4th of July!

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