Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

#1- That this guy called me this week to share some exciting news. He will be home this weekend for Labor Day and it just so happens that I have Sunday off so I will be headed to see him Saturday night and all day Sunday. Makes me SO happy. It will be just over two weeks since I saw him last and it's actually been a lot easier than I thought. Our plan was to go a little over a month before we were able to visit each other. Can't wait to see him!

#2- I've made some progress in the wedding planning department. So far we've booked the church, made a tentative guest list, contacted a few different vendors, scheduled an appointment to look at a reception venue, scheduled appointments to try on dresses, and TODAY I'm meeting with a photographer to discuss "our vision". I'm so excited about meeting her and talking photography. We will be getting married on June 29, 2013!

#3- I'm excited the month of August is just days from being over. Free kids cuts at work has worn me slick and I'm excited to have some organized structure to my work days. I will miss all the darling wee ones, but I'm ready to get my regular clients back and spend some quality time with them.

#4- I love that since starting the Advocare 24 day challenge and finishing it, I have lost a total of 5.2 pounds. I only lost about 1-2 pounds while on the challenge, but I've discovered that doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout video on a regular basis is providing results!!!

#5- I'm loving the stationary I scored from Michael's for $1.00. You better believe I saw it and immediately thought of Aaron. He will be gaining a new pen pal while he's away and I'll be writing sweet little nothings on these note cards. Cheesy much? Yes, but do you expect anything less of me?
"You R Such a Dear"
#6- I'm loving this sweet little girl and her family for letting me take their pictures. Isn't she cute?

#7. I'm loving these two for the example they have set for me on how to truly love someone. Thankful for all they have taught me and everything they do for me. I am blessed.
That's all for this week. Hope you guys have a wonderful Wednesday!

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