Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dear Aaron,


I went to visit Aaron this week to celebrate his birthday and our anniversary. I left my house at 5:30am Wednesday morning and I arrived at his house around 12:30pm. He was at work so he left a key under the mat so I could go in and unpack a few boxes of dishes and put up some fall decorations. When I walked in the door I found this....

Not sure if you can read it, but the card said, "Welcome home Quincee." I'm not going to lie, I got a little teary eyed when I read sweet.

I unloaded my boxes, did a load of laundry, washed the dishes, lit a few candles to make the house smell pretty, put up a few fall decorations, and did some cleaning while I waited for Aaron to get off work. It was so much fun. I felt like a housewife. However, I failed as a housewife because I didn't have a home cooked meal on the table when he got off work....DARN. I need to work on that.

Once he got home we opened gifts, went out for dinner and ice cream, drove and walked around nearby towns exploring the area, and soaked up every minute we got to spend together. It was a short and sweet trip, but totally worth it. By the way, Aaron's gift to me included some Arkansas Razorback gear. He's trying to convert me. He probably won't have to try very hard.

While we were driving around, we spotted our dream home for sale and we drove by it at least 3 times. I am in love with this sweet little cottage and their back yard is the lake. It would be fabulous, but I looked it up online afterwards and the price tag is extremely out of the question....TOO BAD.
Isn't it darling?
Check out the back patio. I'll take that please.
And here is their back yard view. Yes please.
Instead, we will make this rental house our humble abode. A lot of people I've talked to recently have been interested in seeing Aaron's house, so here it is. Obviously, he hasn't lived there long so it is still a work in progress, but it's getting there. I'm trying to stay away from doing too much girly/decorative stuff with it so he can enjoy his bachelor pad for the next 9 months. He did say that once I move there, I can do whatever I want with the decorating. I think I'd like that in writing. :)
Aaron said he has already thoroughly enjoyed sitting out on the front porch in the mornings and evenings and drinking his coffee and taking in the scenery. He is an old soul, just like me.
The dining room. I love the ceiling beams and the checkered tile.
The kitchen. Lots of cabinet space.
The laundry room
The laundry room has its own toilet....right by the back door, just in case you have to take a break while folding clothes or mowing the lawn.
The living room. Aaron always said he would NEVER have a red front door and look at him now.
The bathroom

This will eventually be the guest bedroom. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
Aaron's room
Aaron's closet. This will be the source of all our arguements. Not sure how I'm going to fit my wardrobe. #hoarderproblems
The beginning of Aaron's "mancave" and "office"
So there you have it....hope you enjoyed the house tour, haha. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of it as I post before and afters of rooms and projects completed.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday and Anniversary, Aaron! I love you so much and I am so glad I got to celebrate with you this past week. Hope you have a wonderful day. Can't wait to celebrate again this weekend!
 Enjoying the beautiful sunset and scenery at the scenic overlook. Such a beautiful place!

1 comment:

  1. SO quaint, SO cute...just like you guys!!!
    can't wait to see before & after pics!!1

    a. hopey
