Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I spent the last two days in Arkansas with Aaron and his family celebrating the holiday. I had a wonderful trip and thoroughly enjoyed it. My only complaint is how short the trip was. I left on Wednesday morning at 5:30am to drive up there and headed home Thursday afternoon at 3:00pm. Totally worth it though!
When Aaron got off work on Wednesday, we went fishing. I guess I should say the boys went fishing and his mom and I took pictures, talked, and supervised. It was a beautiful day and it was so nice to be outside enjoying the weather.
 Cheesin' it. They love when I bring the camera around ;)
 Aaron fly fishing
 Check out Aaron's older brother's amazing beard. I think it's awesome!
Brian's got the right idea. That's my kind of fishing.
 Aaron's trout
 Brian's trout....of course it was a competition to see which one was bigger. Close call.
Brian caught a massive crawdad. Creepy.
After fishing, we all went to dinner at a restaurant on the river. When we got home from dinner I went crazy and put up all the Christmas decorations I brought from home. I wanted to make sure Aaron got in the Christmas spirit while he was living all alone in his little house.
 The pretty little tree. I've gotten a lot of good use out of this little tree that I bought while in college.
 We don't have a fireplace so we had to improvise. I bought these stockings and stocking holders at Hobby Lobby this year for 50%. They ended up being $5 a piece. Couldn't pass that up.
 I went a little overboard on Christmas decorations that I found at garage sales this year. Remember these old ceramic trees? My mom said they're from way back in the day. I've never seen them before but I bought two of them for $2 a piece.
 I also got this tree from a garage sale for under $5.
 I made this wreath for the door out of tulle, Styrofoam, paint, ribbon, and a wooden letter.
I love it!
 Of course we can't forget the window decorations. I bought the candy cane and reindeer at a garage sale for $0.50 a piece.
 This is my favorite decoration! My best friend's mom, Darla gave this to us as an engagement gift. I absolutely love it. It has our names and the day we got engaged on the back. It was so sweet of her to think of us and give us a special gift. It is front and center on our tree and it will always be a very special ornament! Thanks Darla.
We woke up this morning and Aaron's mom cooked, I washed the dishes as she cooked, and the boys watched a movie and some football. We ate a delicious Thanksgiving meal and relaxed on the couch afterwards. I fell asleep while watching football and when I woke up, it was time for me to leave already :( It's always so hard to go. I was on the road for about two hours and I got a text from Aaron saying, "come back." Breaks my heart every time. Can't wait for the day when I get to stay for good :)
Wow, long post. Sorry! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with yummy food and great fellowship! Thank you Lord for giving me a lot to be thankful for!

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