Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

#1. I'm loving that today is my Friday and that I have Thursday-Monday off from work.

#2. The reason I'm off work is to celebrate the marriage of this sweet couple. The groom is one of Aaron's very close friends. He is a groomsman in the wedding and I am honored to be their photographer. I am super excited to celebrate their big day and I can't wait to see what a beautiful bride Valerie will be. I'm also excited about seeing and hanging out with all of our friends that will be there. It's been a while since I've seen all of Aaron's friends and their wives....and now a sweet baby girl that I can't wait to meet :)

#3. I love that all 5 of those days will be spent with my fiance, Aaron! I honestly cannot tell you the last time we spent 5 entire days together without either of us having to go in to work or go to class, etc. I seriously think it's probably been almost 3 years which is super crazy to think about.

#4. Our goal during those 5 days is to get registered and hopefully book our honeymoon....YAY!!! So excited to get those two things checked off the to-do list.
I'm envisioning a place like this for our honeymoon......haha in my dreams. Honestly, we have no idea where we want to go. We just know it's going to be somewhere with a beach.
#5. I LOVE that we marked another thing off our wedding to-do list this week by selecting a florist. I'm so excited that one of my bridesmaid's aunts is going to do our flowers. She does amazing work and I know she will be wonderful to work with. 
#6. I LOVE this song. The words really speak to me and make me think. Such a powerful song.

#7. I LOVE that one of my best friends just got engaged. I'm so happy for her and I can't wait for her wedding in Nashville in May! Aren't they a beautiful couple? Really excited for all the upcoming festivities and that we get to plan our weddings together!
#8. I LOVE this cute couple and so glad they trusted me to take their engagement pictures. They are also getting married in May in Vegas. Road trips in May with my best friends to celebrate two very special friends getting married = totally cool with me :)
Wishing everyone a happy Wednesday and hoping you have lots to LOVE today!

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