Friday, December 7, 2012

Manure Occureth


Have you ever seen this shirt before? I have because my uncle owns it and it took me forever to figure it out at first, but I thought it was pretty clever and funny once I did. Do you get it yet? Anyway, yesterday I had one of those instances where you would insert the above saying afterwards.

Here's how it all went down:
I took my dog for a walk and we were enjoying the beautiful weather, when all of a sudden he had to go poop. Now usually, I keep my fingers crossed that he will make it through a walk without having to do his business because I hate picking it up. You see, my parents have taught me that it is not acceptable to leave your dog's mess in someones yard. It's just not nice. Therefore, we keep poop sacks tied to his leash just in case. I hate having to pick it up because then I have to carry the nasty bag all the way home.

Well yesterday, he did his business in someones yard and I, being the kind citizen that I am, bent down to graciously pick it up. Lo and behold, my fingernail poked a hole in the sack and it resulted in a handful of dog poop. SICK OUT! It was so disgusting and I wasn't quite sure what to do so I picked up the sack, wiped my hand in the grass, and marched myself back home trying not to hurl the whole way home. You better believe I washed my hands like 500,000 times when I got home. Good thing I love my dog a WHOLE lot and think he's the greatest/cutest thing ever. When I told my mom the story she said get used to it because it'll happen all the time with kids. Aaron said "manure occureth" in the other form. Hope you weren't eating when you read this. I know it's not a very proper, lady like post, but it's kinda funny.


1 comment:

  1. Too funny :) Yes it is messy with Dogs and Kids :)
