Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday- Christmas Style!

I'm linking up with Jamie today for What I'm Loving Wednesday.
I took a much needed two week break from blogging. I wanted to fully enjoy this busy Christmas season and the time I got to spend with family and friends. My calendar was full with Christmas parties, birthdays, baking, and lots of food. Here is a recap of all the craziness and what I loved most about this Christmas:

1. We celebrated both my mom and dad's birthday this month. We got a special surprise on my mom's birthday. One of my oldest/longest childhood friend's, Rachel, had a baby girl on my mom's birthday. We got to visit her in the hospital and she was just beaming and looked so great. Her little girl is absolutely precious. My mom took a pic on her phone and I couldn't figure out how to send it to me so that's why there's no picture of her.

2. My entire family loaded up in one car to visit my Me-Ma for Christmas. It was a short, but sweet trip. It was fun to show my fiance and my brother's wife around the town. It was their first time to visit. It was also great to see my aunts and uncles and my Me-Ma. I was so happy that I got to spend part of Christmas with Aaron.

3. We had our annual tacky Christmas sweater party with my friends again. It was so much fun and I got to see some friends that I haven't seen in a while because they live far away. The tackiness was at an all time high this year. We had everything from tie dye onesie pajamas, a Christmas tree, a Christmas girl scout, to Mr. Griswald himself.


4. Yesterday we celebrated Christmas at our house with my family and my aunt. We opened gifts, watched movies, and played games. Below are a few entertaining videos from our day.
My mom and sister-in-law playing Just Dance on the Wii. Ignore my annoying commentary, but please notice this...... my mom looks like Annie Oakley with her pig tail braids and overalls. No, she does not wear this on a regular basis, but it sure makes her look even funnier.

My brother and dad got this miniature golf game and it is hilarious to watch and play. It is pretty tough to play, but it kept us entertained for a while.
5. We also went sledding at the man made sledding hill that they make every winter. We went with my cousin's family and it was a lot of fun.
6. Tonight is the last Christmas party of the year and it is one of my favorites. It's our girl's night gift exchange with my three best friends from elementary school and our friend from Nashville will be in town. Can't wait to see them and catch up!
If you've made it this far in the post, thanks for sticking with me....I know it was super long! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy the New Year and I hope it's filled with many, many blessings.

1 comment:

  1. love the pics and the videos especially the commentary: "make your movements crisp mom"
    missed hanging out with the Cornelsen you guys!!!

