So this one time....... pom tryouts.....
.....I met this little girl named Caitlin. When I say little, I mean little. I think she had just turned 17 years old and she was a freshman in college (she graduated high school a year early). I remember sitting at the top of the gym stretching...I didn't know anyone and I was so nervous because I had never danced in my life, but I was trying out for the pom squad. Anyway, Caitlin was sitting next to me and she introduced herself and started asking me all these questions and we became fast friends. I was so thankful for her during those tryouts. She stood next to me and explained every single move. I think in the first eight count of the dance I was ready to quit and walk out, but thankfully Caitlin was there to explain what an axle, fuete, and switch leap were. She was the sole reason I made the team and she probably didn't know she signed up to be my private lesson teacher on every routine. Not long after we both made the pom squad, Caitlin became a gypsy (or homeless if you want to call it). Her roommate moved back home and she had no where to live. I couldn't let this little girl be homeless so I invited her to come live with me and my two roommates. See, we only had three bedrooms so Caitlin and I had to share a room. We gave her the extra closet in the hallway and pretty much everything else we shared. Essentially, she became the little sister I never had.....and Caitlin was sure to let me know when I was treating her like a little sister. I can't remember how many times I've heard her say, "okay mom" to me. Although there were times that I'm sure we both wanted to ring each other's necks, we got along great. We were together A LOT....from 5:30am practices, until we went to bed at night. She is an extremely wonderful friend and person. I'm so proud of her for achieving all her goals. She will be graduating from college this semester and she's already gotten accepted into law school....WOOHOO!! Today the little girl turns 21!! Can't believe it. Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Caitlin. Sad I won't be there to celebrate, but don't you worry. I will be making an appearance in Fort Smith, STAT and we will finally get to go out together! Love you, friend.
This is the first picture we took together. Can you say BABIES? I even had braces....oh my!
pom girls
before a basketball game
trying to hold up 18 for her 18th birthday
blowing out her 18 birthday candles!
Posh Spice & Ginger Spice for Halloween


the infamous Caitlin face
ummm, excuse me??
love them!
when you have a friend like me who can't put the camera have a crazy number of ridiculous pictures like these. The photographer would give us a scenario and then take the picture. This must have been rock on.
my first trip back to the Fort after moving back home.
dancing....and Caitlin's infamous face again. One of my favorite pictures of us.
The most recent picture from when Caitlin came to visit me and got her hair done.
Wish we all still lived in our duplex so we could decorate it and throw a big birthday party for your 21st :(

Wish we all still lived in our duplex so we could decorate it and throw a big birthday party for your 21st :(
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