Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm Getting Old!

So I am currently in my last semester of college.....CRAZY huh? I don't know exactly how I feel about it yet. It seems like everytime someone asks me when I'm graduating they follow it with...."enjoy it as much as possible because once you're out you will regret wishing it would end so soon." I WAS 100% ecstatic about graduating college and moving back home to start a career. I still am of course but the closer it gets the more I realize WOW I'm getting OLD! I'm going to miss Fort Smith and all my friends here SO much, but I can't wait to get back to Norman. A lot of people have asked me what I'm planning on doing as far as a job is concerned. My answer is- I have no clue! I want a job in the hair/cosmetic industry, but not necessarily a stylist job in a salon. I would love to incorporate the business/sales side with it. Ideally, I would love to work as a cosmetic/hair product rep and travel to salons and teach classes and sell products to different salons and schools. The only problem with that is there are no jobs like that in our area. Most of these jobs are in big cities like L.A., Dallas, and so on. I'm planning on filling out applications, going to job fairs and interviews within the next couple of months. I'm figuring out very quickly that the whole job hunting process is very stressful and time consuming when balancing it with school, pom and a job. Anyway, you all probably just found out a lot more information than you really wanted to know, but I've been asked that question a lot lately so I figured I'd fill everyone in on it. Speaking of getting old.....I attended my first baby shower for one of my good high school friends this past weekend. She and her husband are expecting a little boy in March. She was the cutest little pregnant lady!

Here is a pic from the baby shower. All the girls in this pic played high school volleyball with me! It was so good to see each one of them and catch up.

It seems like every other day i'm finding out that someone else i'm friends with or know is having a baby or getting makes me feel old!

This weekend it snowed about 6 inches here in Fort Smith. My friend Courtney and I went outside and enjoyed playing in the snow. We took a bunch of pictures and made a snowwoman, complete with a red wig and scarf! We also decided to go to our neighbors (they share a duplex with us and they play baseball at our school) and interrupt their movie watch party by throwing snowballs at their front door. We laughed pretty hard and had a good time! Here are some pics from our snow day.

This upcoming weekend I will be making a girls road trip to Mandeville, Louisiana. It's right outside of New Orleans and is the hometown of one of my roommates. It's her birthday weekend and the weekend before Mardi Gras. Last year I got to attend Mardi Gras with her so i'm super excited about going back. Her brother rented a table at the Orpheous Ball and told Allison to invite three of her friends to come. We get to dress up in ball gowns and enjoy lots of food and dancing. I'm so excited, I can't wait! I'm sure the area will be booming all weekend due to the Saints playing in the super bowl. Today we went to the nail salon and got our nails painted black with a gold Fleur-de-lis (the Saints symbol). We figured we might as well cheer them on while we're down there....i'm sure Alli and her family will be proud!

Well that's all for now...I will make sure and update the blog with pics and stories from our weekend in Louisiana....ROAD TRIP!! WAHOO!!

1 comment:

  1. always enjoy your updates!!!
    have fun & be careful on your trip!!!'love the the b&w pics in the snow!!!
    don't stress, you're gonna be a great
    whatever you end up being...
    last but not're NOT old!!!

    love you tons!!!
    a. hopey
