Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Orleans Trip!

I cannot explain to you how much of a BLAST we had on our weekend road trip to Louisiana! We left on Friday morning around 9am and we arrived in Mandeville, LA around 6:00pm. The car ride there was filled with singing, dancing, making crazy videos, and tons of laughing. I don't think anyone slept more than an hour the whole way. When we arrived at Allison's house we scurried around to take showers and get ready for the EVE PARADE that started @ 7:00. We met up with Allison's brother and all of his friends at the parade. We caught so many beads that you couldn't even tell we had necks. The Eve Parade is the weekend before Mardi Gras and the floats are filled with women wearing extravagant costumes and head dresses. Saturday we went to see Dear John with Alli's mom and afterward we played dominoes with her dad. Saturday night we got all dressed up and went to the Orpheus Ball. We all felt like we were re-living our high school prom since it was the first dance most of us had been to since high school. The ball was SOO much fun. We got there at 7:3o and danced all night, until about 2:00. As you all know, the Saints were playing in the superbowl on Sunday (the day we headed home). Vicki, Alli's mom sent us home with two Saints cakes, Who Dat drink tumblers, black and gold fleur-de-lis scarves, and crawfish pasta. I can't begin to count the number of times that we heard or said the phrase, "WHO DAT...WHO DAT....WHO DAT SAID THEY GON' BEAT THEM SAINTS!!" It was definitely a FABULOUS weekend and Allison couldn't have gotten a better birthday present than the Saints winning the superbowl! Enjoy the pictures!

Me and my two beautiful roommates!

The girls before the Orpheous ball!

All five of us girls who made the road trip to Louisiana!!

Here is a pic of me and the birthday girl Alli (my roommate and Mandeville resident).

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