Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Way Back Wednesday- Quincee and Allie Entz!

WARNING: This blog post contains a large number of photos. Meet Allie, my best friend from college. She will kill me for blackmailing her with the above picture, but it is such an incredibly awesome picture that I couldn't resist. Every time I see it I can't help but laugh. Allie and I met our freshman year of college. We were both members of the UAFS volleyball team. From the minute we met, we instantly became good friends. I think it was easy for us because we had so much in common. We were both setters, drove Jetta's, had double chins, and we pretty much had the same views on life. We spent countless hours together during volleyball and because we played the same position we were always put together during drills and warm-up. Allie was also my roommate for two years. Although we saw each other every day, there was rarely a time when we ever argued (minus our tiff during sophomore year). I'm so thankful for Allie's friendship.....she is such a wonderful, caring friend. We made some wonderful memories throughout college. Most of you won't pick up on these jokes, but Allie will. Team Yo Momma. Deep creeper voices. Bored video making. Pitching machines. Tarp sliding in the rain. _____ nugget. Slumber parties. My studying moodiness/nervous breakdowns. Worship CD on Norman trips. Chick-Fil-A trips. Mardi Gras....and the list goes on and on and on.

Freshman year, Spring Break in Padre.

Christmas 2006
Team Yo Momma...Allie made shirts for us and gave one to me as a Christmas gift.
Norman boys representing Fort Smith volleyball. We have on the same shirt in different colors, embarrassing!
Lone Star concert
Can you please tell me why I thought this outfit and headband were cute?
Good Times!

Junior Year
camping with Mr. Catfish

Disturbia night

Halloween 2009

Senior Year

My favorite picture!

New Orleans trip, Mardi Gras 2010

This picture was taken when Allie came to visit me in Norman after I graduated. It was so great to know that we could pick up exactly where we left off. I know that we will remain life long friends no matter where we are located on the map. I look forward to the many fun reunions that we will have over the years! I hope you know that I miss you like crazy, think of you often, and cherish our friendship dearly.

"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."
Love you friend,

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