Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Week 1 Training Progress!

1 week down, 17 to go!!!! YIKES! I decided I'm going to write a weekly post on my marathon training progress. I'm mainly doing it for my personal use so when I look back at past blog posts I can see how far I've come and will be able to remember how I felt during the training.....and I figured some of you might be interested in it.

Week 1:
Tuesday: ran 3 miles (duration of run= 29:16)
Wednesday: ran 3 miles (29:01)
Thursday: ran 3 miles (29:25)
Sunday: ran 6 miles (1:01:55)

I'm proud to say that I ran 6 miles at a 10:18 mile pace...for some of you that might be a piece of cake, but for me it is a big deal! My goal is to stay at a 10 min. mile pace for as long as I can. I will be running 16 miles this week and I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

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