Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Way Back Wednesday- Quincee & Vern!

I thought honoring my sweet friend Vern would be fitting for this week's Way Back Wednesday post because it is the week of her wedding...AHH so excited! I have known Veronica for a very long time. Way back when, my dad was Veronica's track coach.....then she became my babysitter ...and then she ended up sharing a classroom with my dad when she taught at Norman High. My dad got lucky because he didn't have to decorate a thing in the room. I remember her classroom was always the coolest one....lots of fun colors and decorations all over! A few years after I graduated from cosmetology school Veronica became one of my favorite/most loyal hair clients. Believe me when I say loyal... there was once a time when I colored her hair and I accidentally bought the wrong box of color and didn't know it....she had bright orange roots! She was such a trooper and went with it until I was able to fix it. She would always come over to my parents house to get her hair cut when I came home from college. It was a requirement that we cut it at my parents house so that she could sit and talk to my mom while getting her hair done. It was always fun to catch up while doing her hair. If you know Vern then you know that it is always fun when she's around. There's never a dull moment. She is so full of energy and life all the time! Veronica has always been an inspiration and a role model to me. She is an amazing woman of God and has such an evident strong faith in Him. She has been blessed with so many spiritual gifts. It's probably safe to say that she has never met a stranger and I know she leaves a positive lasting impression on everyone she meets. I have learned many things about being a good Christian through interaction with Vern and listening to her stories about life. One of my favorite things in my bedroom is a frame that Veronica made me that says "Yes Lord". It was such a small gift, but it means so much! I keep it on my nightstand as a constant reminder.

I am so excited that Vern has finally met her match and will marry him this Saturday! She has been patiently waiting for this day for a very long time! I know she will make an amazing wife and mother. Her fiance is a VERY VERY lucky man. From what I hear she is a VERY VERY lucky woman too! I could not be more thrilled for the two of them. I am honored that Veronica chose me to do her hair for the big day. She came over last week and we tried out a few different hair styles. It was very sweet and special to see her excitement and joy as she tried on the veil. She is going to look absolutely stunning!

Here are some pictures from back in the day:

Thank you so much for your friendship and loyalty throughout the years. You definitely win the best client award. I'm so excited and honored to have a part in your wedding day. I know you're going to be the most beautiful bride. Can't wait to walk through this next stage of life with you and Kory! Love you!

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