Friday, February 11, 2011

The Latest!

We had another snow day this week and it was much more fun than the last because I was actually able to get out in it and enjoy the snow.This was what I woke up to in the morning. He doesn't ever sleep in my bed through the night, but occasionally he will jump up in bed with me in the mornings to snuggle. He is basically a horse so he takes up about as much room as I do in the bed, but boy is he a good cuddler! He's so sweet and melts my heart.Then I started on my cake stands. I went to a bunch of antique stores on my day off to look for candlesticks and I hit the jackpot. I found 7 candlesticks at one shop and bought them all. They were all different sizes and styles and I think they're going to turn out so cute. I also bought a few more plates......this one is my favorite. I found it at Pier 1 for $5 and couldn't resist. The base of this stand will be a color called Lagoon blue. It's going to be lovely. Can't wait to show the finished product. We also made an attempt to go sledding. It wasn't the greatest sledding I've ever done because the snow was very powdery and the park we went to didn't have very big hills. We thought they appeared bigger than they actually were. It was still fun to attempt though! I went to lunch with my mom the other day and she had an early Valentine's Day surprise for me and oh was I ever surprised. I got a text message from her the other day that said Ree Drummond ("The Pioneer Woman") would be in the OKC area at her book signing. Unfortunately, I had to text her back and tell her that I couldn't go because I had to work, but I was pretty bummed that I would miss out. Come to find out, my mom wasn't able to make it either, but she called up there and had them put a book aside for me and she made sure that Ree signed it as well. What an AWESOME surprise! I'm proud to say that it took me 3 days to read it.... I could not put it down. The book is about how "The Pioneer Woman" met her husband and fell madly in love. It's called "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" and it's quite comical because she was such a city girl and she fell for a cowboy. In some ways, I can relate to her stories so it made it that much more fun to read. Thank you thank you thank you mom for the awesome gift. Probably one of my favorite gifts ever!!

Tonight Aaron will be in town. He's coming to visit for the weekend and staying until Tuesday. I'm so excited to get to spend an entire weekend and then some so we can celebrate Valentine's Day together. It worked out perfectly because Valentine's Day fell on a Monday and that's one of my days off. We are going to the Eli Young Band concert tonight with my brother and his fiance and some of our friends. It should be a great time. If you're not familiar with Eli Young Band here's one of my favorite songs that they sing (it wouldn't let me add the video on here so you'll have to click the link to view it).

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