Monday, February 7, 2011

Training Progress #6!

6 weeks down, 12 more to go, which = 1/3 of the way done!! HOORAY!

It's kind of crazy to say that I'm 1/3 of the way done because I feel like I just started training. I hope the next 12 weeks fly by as fast as the 6 weeks did, but something tells me they won't. It's kind of crazy to think that May really is just around the corner. The snow put a huge damper on my running schedule this week. Unfortunately, I'm sad to say I had to skip another 3 mile run due to the blizzard-like weather that hit. I had to do all of my running in the gym which makes it 2x harder. Just so you get a little taste, when I ran my 5 miles I had to run 55 times around the track. Talk about boredom and dizziness. Luckily when I ran the 7 miles I was able to use a different gym that has a bigger track so I ran 42 laps instead of 77 laps.....that would have been BRUTAL otherwise. We're supposed to get 7-12 more inches of snow within the next few days so I'm hoping I will be able to get out of the house and get my workouts in. Here's the rundown on this past week:

Wednesday- ran 3 miles (duration of run: 29:33)
Thursday- ran 5 miles (48:29)
Friday- supposed to run 3, but skipped due to weather...OOPS!
Sunday- ran 7 miles (1 hr and 20 mins)

This next week's schedule is going to be pumped up a few notches....GREEEEAAATTT! Can't you tell I'm really excited? I will be running 3 miles on Tuesday, 6 miles Wednesday, 3 miles Thursday, and 12 miles Saturday! Hope I survive :/

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