Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Training Progress #11!

11 weeks down, 7 more to go!!

For some reason this week I had the urge to do all of my short runs on the treadmill at the YMCA. Mainly because I wanted to watch HGTV while I ran. It does a good job of taking my mind off of the running. It was kind of crazy that I ran at the Y on a treadmill because they weather was pretty much perfect all week. Since I was running on the treadmill, I didn't use my Nike Sportsband so I don't have the exact times of the runs.

Wednesday- ran 4 miles

Thursday- ran 4 miles...I was supposed to run 8 miles, but during my run I got called in to work early because our schedule book was messed up and I had appointments waiting on me so I had to cut the run short.

Friday- ran 4 miles

Monday- ran 16 miles

My long run took me about 3 hours total. Thanks to my fabulous friend's Marcus and Brendan for riding their bikes beside me the whole way. It didn't take much convincing to get them to come along for the ride. They were pretty excited about the opportunity to get some exercise during their spring break. However, they realized very early on in the run that they didn't know what they were signing up for. It was pretty cold outside and they weren't wearing the warmest attire. Let's just say they did more complaining than I did. I'm so thankful they stuck it out and stayed the whole time. They kept me entertained and I was pretty much laughing at them the whole way. It truly was a fairly easy run for me this week. I felt great during and didn't feel too bad afterwards. My left knee is pretty sore, but that will wear off soon I hope. This week I have to run 4 miles on Wednesday, 8 miles Thursday, 5 miles Friday, and 12 miles Monday! Hooray for the decreased long run this week....I will take advantage of it!!

1 comment:

  1. haha So glad you had an easy run my dear! I have no doubt those two kept you entertained and laughing :)
