Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Training Progress #12!

12 weeks down, 6 more to go!!!! There is exactly 40 days until the race.....YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!

I'm getting really excited that the race is so close! However, the hardest part of my training is yet to come. This past week was a smaller load in preparation for the coming few weeks. Here's what I ran this past week:

Thursday- ran 4 miles
Friday- ran 8 miles
Saturday- ran 5 miles

For my long run on Monday I was supposed to run 12 miles, but I skipped it....SHAME ON ME! Monday is my day off from work and I had a ton of stuff to get done. I was planning on running, but I didn't get everything done that I needed to so I decided to skip the running. I felt like missing a 12 mile run probably wouldn't kill me and I need all the rest I can get before this week. This week I will be running 4 miles on Tuesday, 9 miles Wednesday, 5 miles Thursday and 18 miles Monday......YEE-HAW!! I'm thinking about t-shirt designs for the race. My friend's and I are going to get bright neon colored shirts and put something fun on them so our friends and family can hopefully spot us easier. If you have any suggestions, please leave me a comment and let me know.

It's been fun discussing running with others who are training for the full and half marathon in OKC. I've had a couple of clients recently come in who are in training. It's fun to compare progress and talk about our challenges and struggles with training. One of the new clients I did today is training for the half marathon. She was super sweet. We got to talking about how much we enjoy running now and how we feel really gross, out of whack when we don't run. She said she loves that running is her quiet/relaxing time when she can be alone and spend time with God. It's kind of crazy because I totally know what she means. At first I dreaded going on runs by myself, and don't get me wrong I still dread the majority of my long runs and I don't like going alone, but it is a great time to get away from the rest of the world and really think about things. When you're running that often and that long it's amazing what will run through your mind. I used to only listen to rap and pump up music when I ran, but now I just set my IPod on shuffle and listen to all kinds of music. I've found that it's more relaxing to listen to worship music or country and just kind of let your mind wander. Sorry to babble on about that, but it was neat to hear my client say exactly what I was thinking. Running really is a great time to relax and spend time with God.

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