Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Marcy's Baby Shower!

April and May were super busy months for me, hence the reason I haven't had a lot of time to blog. Therefore, now that I have some free time, I decided to catch you guys up on all the fun events that went on. First up is my cousin, Marcy's baby shower. My cousins Marcy and Chris are expecting their first baby in June. It's a girl and her name will be Isabel Susan! I'm so excited for them and I cannot wait to meet her. I know she is going to be the most gorgeous little girl. She will definitely be loved a lot! She is going to be one lucky girl because I know her mom and dad will do a wonderful job raising her! My cousin Chris is a pilot in the Navy and he is currently serving overseas on the cargo ship known as the USS Carl Vinson. It was pretty crazy when I heard the news that Bin Laden was dead and they buried him at sea from Chris' ship. Chris is supposed to be arriving home shortly before Isabel is due. Please pray that he makes it home safe and in time to see the birth of his little girl! Marcy made signs for us to hold up in a picture to send to Chris. The signs read, " We love you, hurry home, we are so proud of you!" Marcy also sent Chris a teddy bear that had a recording of the baby's heartbeat that you could hear when you pressed it's tummy....what a neat idea! Marcy and Chris' long time friend said the sweetest prayer at the baby shower that left everyone in the room in tears. She couldn't have said a more perfect prayer about how blessed their baby will be to be born into two loving families, with two loving and deserving parents, and many great friends that will love and care for Isabel! Congrats Marcy and Chris! I'm so excited to meet Isabel and can't wait until Chris comes home!

We Love you Chris and Marcy!holding hands before the prayer.Marcy giving Mrs. Roundtree hugs for the special prayer.tears from the soon to be aunt Blondell!Marcy with her mother and sister in law and cousin Libby.Marcy and her momBeautiful Marcy with a cute preggo belly!The "Navy Baby" onesie I made.Libby and Ethan decorating their onesieThe quilt Aunt Jan made for Isabel.They had the cutest idea to have everyone decorate onesies and cloth diapers for Marcy to use. I was impressed with some of the funny things people created. Spit happens! Baby Izzy!

1 comment:

  1. what a great day!!!
    can't wait to see everyone once Isabel & Chris get here!!!
    thanks for the blog Quinc!!!
