Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So There Are Still Good, Nice People In This World...

I got to work today and my co-workers said that the man I ran with in the marathon came by my work today to check on me and see if my knee was doing okay. How nice/sweet was that? He lives in Tulsa, but they said he was in town for business and remembered that I worked at the JCPenney's Salon and wanted to stop in and see how it was. Unfortunately, I wasn't at work yet so I missed him. Bobby, if you happen to read this post, I really appreciate you coming to check up on me. That was very nice of you. I hope that the race to the finish turned out better for you than it did for me and I hope your recovery was quick and easy! Congratulations on completing your first marathon and thanks for encouraging and checking up on me!!

For those of you who might be interested, my knee is doing 10x better and so is my ankle. I feel like if I give them one more week of rest, I might be back to 90%. I'm hoping that after one more week of rest I'll be able to start running again. Although, it will probably be very short distances. Baby steps!!


  1. super nice guy!!!
    very sweet : )

  2. That "old guy" is my running partner, and I've known him nearly my entire life. He is a great guy and I'm glad you guys got to run together! He told me about you after the run, glad you're okay. And the "old guy" has made for LOTS of jokes..good thing he's got a great sense of humor... Congrats!
