Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Lot to be Excited About.....

#1. My best friend from college came and stayed with me last night because she had a job interview this morning with a marketing company in OKC. She has been looking for jobs in the area since she graduated in May. I was so excited when I heard she wanted to find a job in OKC and move here. We had a great visit last night and this all caught up on the latest in each other's lives. Not long after her interview she called me squealing because SHE GOT THE JOB!!!!!!! She will be moving to the area in Sept! I'm so excited I can't even stand it. Ever since she called, I've been thinking about all the fun things we are going to be able to do together again that I've missed so much.......bachelor/bachelorette watch parties, hanging out in Bricktown, holiday parties, going to church, slumber parties, double dates, shopping, and the list goes on! Congrats, excited for you! Hurry up and move here!

#2. Happy 24th Birthday to my close friend Beth! We will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow night, can't wait! Hope your 24th birthday and 24th year of life is all that you've wished for!
#3. Opening weekend for college football! So excited for watch parties and hopefully this year I can attend a home game/tailgates instead of working (we'll see :/) One of my favorite things about OU home games is that I can wear jeans on Fri and Sat to work with an OU shirt...makes me happy :) In preparation for college football, I've been making some of these.

WOO PIG SOOIE...for the Arkansas Razorback fans out there!

GO POKES....for the Oklahoma State Cowboys fans out there.

#4. My precious cousin, Blondell (pictured on the left) and her boyfriend Kyron got engaged this week! YAY! So excited for you guys are too cute! Props to Kyron on a sweet proposal story. #5. As if I don't have enough weddings to attend this upcoming year, my Uncle Pete added another one to the list, haha I kid! Congratulations to my Uncle Pete and his new fiance Brenda on their engagement. You guys look so happy together and seem to be a wonderful match. Very happy for the both of you!

#6. Marcus (my best guy friend) will be home for a week from Seattle! Can't wait to spend as much time as possible while he's here visiting! We have a lot of lost time to make up for :)

#7. In exactly 9 days my childhood friend, Megan will be come Mrs. Devours!! I'm beyond excited for all the wedding festivities coming up next week and can't wait to see Megan as a beautiful bride. Guess I better get to working on my maid-of-honor speech. I've never had to give one before, so I'm not quite sure where to start..YIKES. So many memories and years to fit into such a small amount of time!

#8. Unfortunately, I have to work on Labor Day so I won't be doing anything exciting, but I have the Sunday before Labor Day off and I'm going on a mini road trip for the day to see this precious girl and her momma! I got to see her when she was a few weeks old so I'm sure she's grown a bunch and changed a lot.

I'll also be seeing my good friend Jessie while on that road trip! Might as well kill two birds with one stone! Can't wait to hear all about your new lifestyle of going from a city girl in Houston to the small country side in OK.
#9. Last, but DEFINITELY NOT least, in two weeks Allie and I will be traveling to the great state of Arkansas to spend some much needed girlfriend time with these BEAUTS! Boy, are we going to have some fun and celebrate Allison's new job. We all have a lot of catching up to do! Last time I saw them was back in January....I'm way overdue!

That pretty much sums up what's going on in my life! I realize if you counted the number of times I used CAN'T WAIT and SO EXCITED in this post it would be a ridiculously high number, but honestly, I don't care because I meant every last one of them.

I'm praying that I will have more good news for you coming up soon. Aaron (my boyfriend) had an interview for an internship with the OK Wildlife Department last week. If he gets the position he will be relocating to the Edmond/Arcadia area and will be so much closer to me! Please keep him in your prayers as he's had a tough time finding a job in this economy. I would be the happiest girl ever if he got a job so close!

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Labor Day weekend!

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