Sunday, August 21, 2011

PePe Le Pew, I HATE YOU!

Once you read this story, you'll understand the title of this post a little better. It's been a while since the last time I posted because I've been busy moving. I moved back in with my parents this week because my brother is getting married soon so I had to move out of his house and decided to live with my parents for the time being and save some money. Moving along with me was my huge dog, Samson. That's a little bit of a preface for the story. Tonight my mom and I decided to do some crafting and hang crown molding around my bathroom mirror. Here's a picture of the crown molding we bought from a garage sale for $6.00.

Here's the bathroom mirror before....
and here's the finished product. As we're busy gluing and holding the crown molding into place, we begin to smell this...And it was extremely potent and strong. Right at that moment, we both remembered that my mom had just let my dog out to use the bathroom. She immediately ran to the back door and let him in. Seconds later we both knew it was too late and he had already been sprayed by the skunk. It was AWFUL! Frantic and not knowing what to do, we rushed to get Samson out of the house. We put him in the garage and tried to figure out a plan. Our first idea was to take Samson to the dog wash here in town, but my dad wasn't home so we didn't have a truck to transport him in. Luckily, we made a phone call to my brother and he brought us his truck. Mind you, this was at 10:00pm tonight so he was probably really happy about it. I started researching home remedies to remove skunk odor and they all said to react as fast as possible. While waiting for my brother to bring the truck, we washed him in the front yard with vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap. Poor guy was not enjoying it AT ALL! We finally got him to the dog wash and washed him on the skunk odor remover setting. He was sprayed on the left side of his face and ear. He smells pretty all over now, but if you get up really close to his left ear, there's still a hint of nasty skunk! The house doesn't smell too bad anymore. At first, the house and the garage smelt horrid. Not sure if we're just used to the smell now, but it doesn't seem near as bad. We sprayed a ton of Lysol and lit some candles. That was our first run in with a skunk, and hopefully the last. Not sure how we're going to keep him out of the backyard though.

Poor baby boy.


.....and that's how I spent my Sunday evening.

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